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"Ruby, what are you doing?" Weiss asked watching Ruby walk over to Gore, "We're gonna fly Gore." she answered looking back at said person. "Why? Beacon Cliff is right over there, I can literally see it." she said pointing to the cliff that was in fact decently close to them. "But, but. Fly on Gore." she said pouting in her direction. "Nope, that will not work on me. Let's walk there." she said and started to walk the way to the cliff, missing the mischievous smile on Ruby's face. "You know what to do." she whispered to Gore.

Already on her way Weiss was confused when she felt something between her legs, it quickly turned to a shocked surprise as she was lifted into the air and onto Gores back, Ruby jumping in front of her. Feeling them all lift off the ground she quickly latched onto Ruby. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" she shouted, her eyes closed tight and a strong grip on Ruby, "WE ARE HAVING FUN!!" She shouted back with a laugh.

Turning her head to look at Weiss she saw she had a genuine terrified look on her face. And so, she quickly became concerned "Hey Gore slow down." she told him, so he quickly slowed down to a gliding speed. Awkwardly turning herself around so she was facing Weiss, she still had a death grip on her so she raised her hand and cupped her face in an attempt to calm her down. It worked but only a little bit, "Hey Weiss, we are fine, just open your eyes a bit."

Watching her eyes slowly open, she smiled a bit, that smile dropped when she noticed her look down, tighten her grip and basically refuse to do that again. "Afraid of heights. Alright Gore we almost there!?" she shouted down to her dragon. Hearing him snort and feeling his head shake she thought of a different plan. "Alright Weiss I want you to open your eyes-", NO!" she was quickly interrupted. "And look at me. Nowhere else, just me." she finished, lifting up Wiess' head so when she opened her eyes, they'd be looking at each other.

Yet all Weiss did was shake her head, "Trust me, you're gonna be fine." Ruby told her once more. So when she watched as Weiss' eyes slowly opened to look into hers, she gained a small soft smile. To Weiss, this was amazing, staring into Ruby's bright silver eyes, her hair blowing in the wind, the fear of how high they were completely gone, all she could think about was Ruby. "See, it's all fine." she heard her say in a soft tone.

Looking all around her, she was mesmerized by it all, the clouds and the clear blue sky feeling closer than ever. Seeing Ruby turn around, she wrapped her arms around her waist and rested her head on her shoulder. "Sorry for dragging you up here. Didn't know you didn't like heights." Ruby apologized, whilst guiding Gore in the direction of the cliff. "It's fine, I didn't say so of course you wouldn't know." she said. But she still got a little startled when they slowly started to descend.

Feeling them connect with the floor, she slowly got off of Gore and stood there shaking slightly. Yet seeing Ruby jump off and start making her way to Professor Ozpin, she steeled herself and started walking as well. "So, Professor." Ruby started after walking up to him. "Is Gore allowed to come with me in the Initiation?" she asked a bit hesitant, it didn't help when Ozpin stared at her and loudly slurped on his hot chocolate. "I'm afraid not. This is a test of your skill, not his." he told her. "He can stay here until your Initiation is complete. That is if you're alright with that." he said watching her nod and stand on one of the platforms.


Now everyone stood in front of Professor Ozpin, and Professor Goodwitch, four unfamiliar faces among them. With everyone there Ozpin began his speech "For years you have trained to become warriors. And today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." he said, and then Glynda spoke up continuing from where he left off. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumours about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates.... Today.", "That's cool." Ruby whispered. "Shh." was all she heard from Weiss. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So, it is in best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well with. That being said, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years." Ozpin continued, "Damn, unlucky." Ruby whispered once more, "Ruby." she heard come from her right in a stern tone, "Sorry Weiss." She spoke.

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