Beacon Still Falls

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Slowly opening her eyes, Ruby turned with a smile towards the girl who was resting next to her. Resting back down, she brought Weiss closer as the girl cuddled up to her. About to close her eyes and fall back to sleep again. A loud noise made her shoot up in alarm, only to deadpan to herself when she noticed it was only Gore sneezing. Hearing a light groan, she looked down to see She had stirred Weiss awake.

Looking down in slight regret, she slowly laid back down and Weiss moved on top of her. "Weiss go back to sleep." Ruby whispered and Weiss slowly nodded before knocking out again. Ruby dropped her head with a sigh and stared at the ceiling. All of a sudden Weiss came into her view with a droopy stare.

"You know I can't fall back to sleep when I wake up." Weiss told her. "Oh yeah. Sorry." Ruby said as Weiss lightly laughed. "I missed you." Weiss said whilst leaning down to her. "I know, and I missed you too." Ruby responded whilst pulling her closer into a kiss. "How's the magic going?" Ruby asked when she pulled away.

Weiss sighed whilst rolling over in exhaustion. "It's annoying me. I understand it all, but I can't use it." She explained. "You'll get the hang of it." Ruby told her. Weiss stayed staring at the ceiling before she suddenly shot up. "You know how to use magic right?" Weiss asked whilst staring down the girl. "I mean, I guess. It's more of a bestowed power rather than a learned thing." Ruby told her.

Sitting up properly with her legs crossed, Weiss waited in anticipation for Ruby to start explaining. Sitting up opposite her, Ruby scratched her head in thought. "Alright, I imagine it like Aura control, I guess. I don't know, I really wish I could help you more. Umm, have you asked Salem?" Ruby asked as Weiss looked away with a pout. "Oh, my Oum. You haven't asked Salem?!" Ruby asked in shock.

"I didn't want to bother her, especially since I have the books. Plus, Watts is always around her and he keeps giving me this look." She said with a scowl. "You want me to go with you. Make sure the crazy man doesn't hurt you?" Ruby asked in a joking tone. "That would make me feel better." Weiss told her. "Sure." Ruby said with a light laugh.

"Let's go now then." Ruby said whilst jumping off the bed. "Wait now, why now?" Weiss asked confused. "Well I need to jump back in soon, I really don't want to, but it has to be done. So let's go get this over with." Ruby said, about to get changed before leaving it and just heading for the door. "Please don't tell me you are about to leave like that?" Weiss asked in disbelief.

"What? these pyjamas are adorable, I should definitely wear this around." She said whilst doing a spin for Weiss to see. "Fine, let's go find Salem." Weiss said following after her. "Queeny doesn't really like sleeping so she should be at her throne or roaming around the castle." Ruby said and Weiss looked intrigued.

"How do you know so much about her?" She asked and Ruby turned to look at her. "You remember when I had to fight a bunch of Grimm because one tried to smack you?" Ruby asked confusing Weiss. "You mean in the forest?" Weiss asked. "No." Ruby told her. "The mountain?", "No.", "The one in the sky?", "No.", "The one at the docks?", "No but close. It's the horde that came after the train. I just realised I could have said, 'You remember when I puked up that black sludge?' You remember that?" Ruby asked.

"Yes I freaked out because you started turning very pale. Kind of like what Salem looks like." Weiss said in realisation. "Anyways, somehow, I came here and she explained some stuff, it's the first time I actually found out my mom was alive. I guess as a way to deal with it all, me and Salem and my mom just kinda... talked." Ruby explained. "She explained a lot of stuff to me." Ruby told her.

"That makes a lot of sense I suppose." Weiss said whilst looking up in thought. "And the throne room awaits!" Ruby shouted whilst throwing the massive doors open. Salem was sat at her throne, Watts in his usual spot at the long table. "Ah, Ruby, you are awake. Should we begin the process again, you look fine, so I assume you have expelled the new Virus from your body?" Salem asked whilst looking over to the two approaching teens.

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