The First Day On Mount Glenn

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"Ruby calm down, please. We are currently on a mission. And it would be better if you weren't having a tantrum in the middle of it." Weiss said berating the pouting girl who was sat on a rock. "I'm not throwing a tantrum." She replied whilst getting up and walking around. "Then what would you call this?" Weiss asked. "I'm... I'm... I'm Brooding." Ruby said after a while of thinking.

Looking over she saw Weiss with a dead panned look on her face. "Fine! I'm throwing a tantrum!" She screamed kicking a rock. Weiss went wide eyed when she watched the rock be pulverised. Tiny pieces were sent flying all over the place and broke a few of the already broken windows. "But is that so bad?" She asked collapsing to the floor. "No, but it isn't the best environment to be having it in." She said sitting next to her.

"Ahem." Slowly turning their heads they saw the other three and Zwei staring at them. "Right, mission." Ruby said standing up and dusting herself off. "Good point, we have a mission to continue." Weiss said following her example. "So Doctor, what is the plan?" Weiss asked standing up right.

"Ah, finally ready for what we set out to do." He said to her. "Anyways, there has been news about Mount Glenn being a hot spot for Grimm. It came out of no-where so we are here to find the reason amongst the several possible explanations for this behaviour." He explained "Speaking of-" He started. "Uhh, what?" Yang asked.

"Grimm." Ruby piped up with her head turned away and looking in the distance. "So what do we do, do we go and fight it or...?" Blake asked, slowly unsheathing her weapon. "No." Oobleck said making her put her weapon back with a disappointed look on her face. "We wait, we track, if the specimen leads us to its pack, that might also lead us to our prey." Oobleck told them.

"How long do we wait?" Yang asked. "Who knows, minutes, hours, maybe days. This could very well just be the scout, and they can be separated for almost several months at a time- and there's the whole pack." He explained but still cut himself off. "Wha?" Ruby asked. "And now they've seen us." He added and none of them seemed to register what he just said. "Huh?" Ruby asked again stupidly. "And now they've seen us!" Oobleck said louder this time.

"I guess tracking them is out of the question?" Weiss asked. "You would be correct." He answered taking a sip from his thermos. "What's the plan then?" Yang asked watching the pack full send towards them. "Show me what you're capable of." he said making them all unsheathe their weapons ready to go into the fight. "Not you." He said sticking his arm in front of Ruby.

She looked up to him with confusion on her face. "I know you could easily take them out, weapon or not. So I would like to see what your team can do. And if they can't take out a simple pack of Grimm, then I believe we may have a lot more work on our hands." He said before gesturing his hand to the oncoming pack of Grimm. And so, she slowly put her weapon away before walking back over to another rock and pouting in annoyance.

With the Grimm now charging at them, the three other members of team RWBY rushed forward into the fight. Yang sending devastating punches to any Grimm that would dare walk into her path. Blake taking illusive actions using her shadow clones as decoys, destroying the Grimm with clean cuts either decapitating them or chopping them in half. Weiss was dodging all of the primal attacks from her enemies and striking back with unseen elegance. When the pack of Grimm were finally taken out, their corpses littered the ground before slowly dissolving in a black mist.

The silence of their victory was interrupted by clapping. "Woooh!! You guys killed it!!" Ruby shouted from her rock. "She is correct, truly a marvellous display. A few places where you can brush up. But either way, a good job." Oobleck told them all before taking another sip from his thermos. "Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any signs of criminal operations in this sector." He said in slight disappointment. "Oh well, moving on!" he said before moving on.

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