Time Flies

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Weiss stirred awake on a new morning in Salem's castle. Awkwardly turning, she reached for her scroll that was laying on the bed side table. Opening it and checking the time, she groaned when she saw it read 11:24. Turning on her side, she couldn't help but sigh when she saw the bed was empty.

Falling back spread out, she rubbed her eyes before looking back at her scroll. Seeing a message notification, she swiped it open. "Dear Weiss, your Father requests your presence at the earliest time possible. Sincerely, Klein." With yet another sigh, she dropped her scroll on her bed and covered her eyes with her arm. 

She sat up and swung her legs over the side of the bed before sighing and taking a deep breath. "Talk to Salem, check on Ruby." She muttered in clockwork before standing up and stretching.


"How can I help you?" Salem asked, staring down Weiss with a stern stare. "My father wishes to see me. So I request that both me and Ruby pay him a visit for a few days." Weiss explained. "I see. If it is urgent then proceed." She told her making Weiss smile and nod. "But." The smile instantly dropping into confusion. "Ruby has only been training for around two months. So, to arrive at Atlas, you must get there using Ruby's dragon form." Salem told them.

"That's fine. Just might take longer to get to Atlas." Weiss muttered. "Make sure to also tell Ruby that she must use her Shagaru form for at least one hour every day to become more accustomed to it." Salem told the girl. "I'll make sure she knows. Let's just hope she takes this as well as you did." Weiss muttered whilst thinking of the best way to bring up the topic.

"How is she, if I may ask." Salem asked with a look of concern. "She doesn't speak to me much besides training." Salem admitted as Weiss sighed. "She's been in a routine as of recent. Get up, stay with Gore, Go train, me and her eat, back to Gore. She doesn't want to leave his side." She told the queen making her nod in understanding. "I will check up on him soon and try to see what's wrong. But I think I may have an idea." She told the girl and watched as hope sparked in her eyes. 

"If you could, it would mean a lot to Ruby." Weiss told her getting a nod from the queen. "But for now, you may leave when you need to. I shall keep an eye on your dragon and contact you if anything changes." Salem told them as Weiss nodded once more before leaving for Gore and Ruby.

Turning the corners of the huge hallways, she came to a stop when the end of the hallway reached outside. Gore lay sleeping, his body fully coated in it's new golden colour. And directly in front of him was Ruby, sat crouched down whilst she carefully pet him on the head, a calm yet sad smile on her face whilst she sat in silence.

"You know. The gold really does look good on you both." Weiss said whilst walking over, managing to catch Ruby's attention as she looked over. "Hi Weiss." She muttered before looking back to the sleeping Gore. "My Father wants me to go back to Atlas to see him. Do you want to tag along?" She hesitantly asked whilst walking over to the girl. "How long will we be gone?" She asked whilst looking up to her. "A week at best. But hey, this just means we can go see Roman. You kept saying how you wanted to go see him but you needed to train. But now Salem said it's okay. Plus if you're worried about Gore, she also said she would try to find what's wrong and keep an eye on him." Weiss told her making her nod her head.

"Let's fly there though, no portals. Just let you have a good fly in the sky. That should clear your mind." Weiss suggested, smiling herself when she noticed the faint one appear on Ruby's face. "You think he's gonna be okay?" Ruby suddenly asked, confusing Weiss for a second before she noticed Ruby was still locked onto the sleeping Gore. "He's gonna be fine. If anything, he's probably staying like that longer so it doesn't hurt him when he wakes up, that way you won't be worried either." Weiss told her getting a quiet giggle from the girl. "He would, wouldn't he." She muttered.

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