The Docks

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Team RWBY was currently roaming the streets of Vale, most of the passer-by's were avoiding the intimidating figure that was Gore but the Team ignored it all. With the Vytal Festival about to begin, the city was preparing. Decorations were being set up, People from other cities were exploring. All in honour of the festival. "The Vytal Festival." Weiss began, twirling around and releasing a sigh of happiness. "Oh, this is absolutely wonderful!" she finished making most of her team look at her with slight surprise.

"I don't think I've ever seen you smile this much Ice Queen." Yang pointed out making Ruby look at her sister in confusion. "Huh, she smiles all the time." Ruby said looking at Yang. "Don't ever change Rubes, don't ever change." She said ruffling her sister's hair.

"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" she asked messing with her hair trying to get it back to normal. "Nothing Ruby, Besides, how could you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world." Weiss butted in looking back at her team. "There will be dances, parades, a tournament! Oh the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breath taking." She continued, doing a light skip before heading down a different road.

Yang sighed and rolled her eyes at the white-haired girl. "You really know how to make a good thing sound boring." She grumbled making Weiss shoot a glare her way. "Quiet you."

The loud horn of a boat had gone off in the background, seemingly reminding Yang of where they were. "Remind me why we are spending our Friday afternoon visiting the stupid docks?" she asked looking out at the boarding ship. "It smells like fish." Ruby said covering her nose making the other three look at her deadpanned before noticing Gore trying to cover his nose as well.

"It doesn't smell that bad." Blake whispered looking forward again. "I've heard that students visiting from Vacuo will be arriving by ship today." Weiss said deciding to answer Yang's question. "And as a representative of beacon I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome them to this fine kingdom." she said trying to put on a polite front.

"She wants to spy on them so she'll have the upper hand in the tournament." Blake said leaning over to Yang, Weiss turned around with a look of mock hurt. "How could you accuse me of such, plus you can't prove anything." She said, returning back to normal and crossing her arms. Noticing Ruby's shocked look, she walked over. Looking in the direction she was, Weiss saw a small shop with its windows broken and police tape surrounding the area.

The four of them walked over and got a better look at the place. "What happened here?" Ruby asked, one of the officers looked up and sent a quick glare towards Ruby before becoming professional again. "Robbery, second Dust shop to be hit this week. This place is turning into a Jungle." He answered, turning around and continuing with his job. "That's terrible." Yang said before Ruby continued to listen in to their conversation.

"They left all the money again." one said. 'Roman?' She thought to herself. "Yeah, just doesn't make a lick of sense. Who needs all that Dust anyways?" he asked his partner. "I don't know." He said looking around. "You thinking the uh, White Fang?" The first one asked sending a quick side eye to Ruby, something that went unnoticed by all but Blake who gained a semi hurt look. "I'm thinking we don't get paid enough."

"Maybe it was that Roman Torchwick fellow that has been on the news." Weiss spoke up first. "Could be, but why?" Yang said, adopting a thoughtful expression. "Who knows, he's a criminal, all they do is lie, cheat and steal." Weiss said crossing her arms with a stern expression. "Hey now, he might not be that bad, I mean you shouldn't judge someone before you meet them." Ruby tried to reason with her partner. "Yes, well I don't want to meet him to judge him properly thank you very much." Weiss replied looking over at her leader.

"But either way, like the officer said we can't rule out the White Fang." she said gaining a sharp glare from Blake. "Why not?" She asked through gritted teeth. "They aren't what they used to be, so we can't know if they are planning a large-scale attack or not. And whether you like it or not, Blake, the White Fang aren't a group of peaceful protesters anymore. They are terrorists." She answered returning the glare. "Makes me question what it says of a person who tries to actively protect them." Weiss added making the two sisters become uncomfortable.

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