The Queen Arrives

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Still attached to Summer's back, Ruby looked on confused. "Mom?" Ruby asked whilst looking around at all the stunned faces. "Summer?" Tai asked again unsure. Finally understanding, Ruby slowly slid off her back and fell next to Weiss. 

Tai began to slowly walk towards her. "Tai... Look, I know this might seem crazy, and I'm sorry alright." She started whilst moving back. "An-and I shouldn't have left you to raise both Ruby and Yang. But I thought it would have been for the best." She continued, tripping over a tail and pressing against an upturned piece of concrete. 

"I couldn't raise them looking like this... I couldn't be around you looking like this. I mean look at me." She said whilst gesturing to herself. "For the love of Oum Tai say something, do something!! Please!!" Tears welling up in her eyes.

He cupped her face making her slightly flinch. "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you." He told her in a soft voice. Summer finally let the tears flow as she collapsed into him. "I'm so sorry." She kept repeating as she held onto him tighter. "It's alright Summer. It's alright." He said as he slightly cried as well. "I've missed you so much." He said again.

"I... I didn't want...-" Having to stop to try to catch her breath before getting interrupted. "It's Okay. I know you didn't." Tai said trying to comfort her. Their moment getting ruined by the younger Ice queen.

"I have a Question." Weiss said making the adults snap their head in her direction. "Sorry, really sorry, but really important. For one, as happy as this situation looks. Still in the middle of the destruction of Beacon. There is what I can only assume is a Grimm human in the head of a floating Grimm-" 

Getting cut off by said Grimm person. "Salem, Queen of the Grimm." She introduced making her go slack jawed. "Okayyyyy. Freaking out over that later. But then there's Ruby." She said whilst pointing to the girl who was on the ground with droopy eyes and a goofy grin.

"She looks higher than the clouds right now." Qrow said shocked. "Yes, is that supposed to happen?" She asked. "Oh right, Ruby!" Summer said with a gasp as she broke out of Tai's hold and ran over to the downed dragon girl. Carefully picking her up she began to walk over to the still open portal. About to walk through she was stopped by Salem who had walked through the portal first.

"Greetings." She said before looking to Summer. "Hand me the girl." She said confusing her, but Summer complied, now leaving Ruby in the hands of Salem. "Wait Wait Wait. What's happening here?" Weiss finally asked. "I walked over here to see Ruby who was about to rage, then some woman that is apparently her supposed dead mother... and now she's getting handed off to the person who said she was the Queen of Grimm?! What in Oum's name is going on!?"

Qrow sighed before walking over to her. "Listen, kid-" Qrow started. "If you're next words don't fully explain what's going on I swear to Oum." Weiss said with a heated glare. "Alright, alright. No sugar coating." Qrow said whilst holding his hands up in surrender. "Ruby's dying. Plain and simple." He said making her step back in shock. "Ozpin woke her up when he shouldn't have... and now she's paying the price." He explained before stopping to let it sink in.

"From what she has said..." He started again whilst pointing towards Salem. "She knows how to heal her. We don't, so we are really chancing this. But there is quite literally no other option." Qrow finished and watched the emotions contort on her face before it all settled on anger. One that was directed straight towards Ozpin.

"Why would you wake her up!?" Weiss asked whilst storming over to Ozpin. "It was an unexpected error." He said whilst stepping back. "Unexpected?! UNEXPECTED!? How do you unexpectedly wake someone up?!" She asked again. "The process was just supposed to transfer the powers and then we would take her to a safe place where she could finish her moult." He tried to explain.

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