The First Night at Beacon

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The place was empty. Nobody had arrived yet so Ruby sat at the nearest bench with Gore next to her and waited for Yang to arrive. And wait she did, for around 15 minutes. The first Bullhead had landed and unfortunately, No Yang. Yet she did see someone who seemed to like a lot of white. The next two landed and the one in the middle opened first, out came a blonde boy who rushed to the nearest bin, which just so happened to be next to her.

She heard him start to throw up his guts, so instead of sitting there and listening she walked over and started to rub circles along his back, "Hey there you alright?" she asked, not really expecting a response. "Yeah, I'm fine just motion sickness.", he answered. "Oh, alright, well then you should probably drink something when you're finished throwing up." She advised. "Alright, I got a water somewhere, so thanks." he said to her before placing his face back over the bin and continuing to throw up.

She was going to respond to him but she felt a tap on her arm, turning around she came face to face with Yang, "YANG!!" she shouted, wrapping her in a hug. She would have kept her there longer but hearing a cough to the right of Yang, she reluctantly put her down. "So, who's miss kitty cat?" Ruby asked, side eyeing her sister. "Excuse me?" Blake said to Ruby, she saw the slightest bit of alarm appear on her face before it vanished all the same. "Y'know, cause of the bow." Ruby told her, making it seem like the most obvious thing on Remnant.

"Oh right. My apologies, I am Blake Belladona, pleasure to meet you." she said. Extending her hand towards Ruby. She stared at the outstretched hand before slapping it away and hugging Blake instead. Breaking away she began to introduce herself as well, "And I'm-", "Ruby Rose, Yang talked about you." Blake interrupted. "Yeah well why wouldn't I, she's my perfect baby sister." Yang said, slinging her arm over Ruby's shoulder.

"Oh right, and this here is..." She began looking around trying to find Gore, "Hey where's he gone?" she asked confused. "I'm gonna go find him, I'll meet up with you later." she said looking at Yang. "Alright, just don't be late." she responded

And so, Ruby set off in search of Gore, It didn't take her long to find him as he hadn't gone that far from them. But what confused her the most, was that Gore was playing with a girl with pure white hair. She seemed to be enjoying herself which was a good sign. Gore hadn't caused any trouble.

Walking over the mysterious girl seemed to notice the new arrival and stood up straight. The way she held herself screamed 'I'm important' "What can I help you with?" she asked walking over to Ruby, yet, the dark-haired girl seemed to be in some sort of trance making the unknown girl wave her hand in front of Ruby's face. "Hello?"

She expected some sort of response from Ruby, but "You smell good." wasn't the one she was hoping for. Taking a step back, you could see the slightest blush on her face. Ruby just now realising what she said started to apologize. "SORRY, Sorry, It's just. Well, y'know." Ruby said acting embarrassed, anyone would when you've just told a stranger they smell nice. "It's alright, and I thank you for the compliment. Now what is it you are doing here." she said, "Oh right, well I'm Ruby Rose." she told her "Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee Dust Company." Weiss Introduced. Ruby just gave her the double thumbs up with an awkward smile.

"Cool, Cool. Anyways, I was looking for Gore." she said "That guy over there." she continued pointing towards the Dragon that was staring at the two. "The dragon?" Weiss asked pointing behind her. "Yes, the dragon." Ruby answered, walking over to Gore and patting his head. "Well, 'twas a pleasure miss heiress." Ruby said with a little bow. "But I gotta go to the main hall." she told her, about to go the way she came.

"WAIT!" she heard Weiss call from behind her. Turning around she caught Weiss looking down and fiddling with her hands, "do you mind showing me the way? I'm kinda lost." she asked her. "Sure, just follow me." Ruby told her.

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