The Grimm Attack

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Yo just a heads up. If you're reading this one before the flashback the start may mess with you a tiny bit. and I mean the start start so it shouldn't be too bad.

"Miss Ro... Miss Rose...MISS ROSE!!" Oobleck shouted getting her out of her stupor. "Sorry." She apologised before turning to him. "This is neither the time nor the place to be day dreaming. So for now, let's focus on our current problem." He said whilst looking at the oncoming horde of Paladins. Pulling out her scythe she got into a ready stance facing the robots. "So how are we doing this Doc?" She asked before pulling back the bolt on her gun. "Well that depends. Are you going to share?" He asked back whilst transforming his thermos into a staff.

"Fine." She groaned before shooting her scythe making her dart towards the oncoming attackers. Holding the scythe in such a way that the blade would hook onto the first Paladin, she along with everyone else grew surprised when it cleaved right through. Stopping to stare at the two severed halves of the robot as the lower half slowly slid off the side of the train, leaving the cockpit to rest on top with sparks appearing every now and again. Pulling back the bolt of her scythe, an audible click coming from the weapon making them flinch. The toothy smirk on her face not making it any better.

Rushing forward she slid under the next ones legs and took one of them with her. Stopping her momentum, she jumped back at the hopping Paladin before taking the arm as well. Jumping onto the top she stared straight into the front camera before disappearing from its view. It frantically looked around before the camera was destroyed, then next a hole began to open up from above. A scaled hand reached through and dragged the grunt from his position.

Ruby stared at the terrified White Fang that was dangling in front of her until a ball of fire flew past her face making her drop the grunt and turn to see where it hit. The dismantled parts of another Paladin confused her, the confusion only grew when she saw Zwei sitting in the middle of it all with a bit of fire left on his tail. She snapped out of her confusion when Doctor Oobleck sped past her and picked Zwei up before sending him barrelling towards another unsuspecting Paladin soldier.

Removing her scythe from the broken Robot she sped forward and cleaved the next one in half. And another. And another. Until there was only one left who had to stare down the intimidating sight that was Ruby and Oobleck. Slowly, the Paladin sat itself down before the back of it opened and the White Fang Grunt walked out with his hands raised in surrender. Before they could do anything, he ran and jumped off the side of the train.

In a rush of worry, Ruby jumped off behind him and quickly grabbed his collar whilst trying to catch up with the speeding train. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!?" Ruby asked in a mix of rage and confusion. "You guys were gonna kill me!" He shouted back in terror. "No we weren't! They would've!" She shouted whilst gesturing to the oncoming horde of Grimm behind her. The colour drained from his face as he grabbed onto Ruby and held with every fibre of his being.

Feeling his feet touch the Train roof he started to run for his life, just managing to get to the next train cart before the one he was previously standing on derailed. "So what's your name then Mr jumpy?" Ruby asked and had to hold down a laugh as he jumped in terror. Slowly collecting himself he warily looked at the huntress in training. "Jerry." He answered and cowered as she put on a sharp grin. "Well then Jerry. You mind telling me how to stop this train?" She asked whilst leaning forward making him lean back.

"You can't." He told her followed by a deathly silence. "What?" Ruby asked making him panic. "It's not that I don't want to tell you. It's just if the train stops moving then the bombs will blow up regardless only this time, we'll be going with them." He explained and waited in anticipation for her response. "Alright. Thanks" Ruby said whilst giving him a fanged smile before heading off without a second thought.

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