The Chaos Can Be Tamed

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"YOU AREN'T BETTER THAN ME!!" Cinder screamed in rage. Yet Ruby didn't show any signs of response, just a vicious snarl and heated glare. Both pointed in Cinder's direction. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU, YOU ANIMAL!!" Cinder shouted about to charge at her. Ruby leaning forward into a low stance with her wings on the floor to get even lower.

They both stopped when they heard a long slurp from their right. They both slowly turned and saw Ozpin slurping on his mug. "Oh no, ignore me." Ozpin said making Cinder turn to him in anger. "What do yo-" She was cut off by Ruby leaping at her with a swift right hook to Cinder's face.

She was sent flying into a pillar, her head caving into the wall as she slowly slid back to the floor. Her aura breaking in the process from a single punch. A slow clap from her right made her head snap in Ozpin's direction.

He stopped in slight fear as he watched her growl towards him. Out of no where, she appeared in front of him with her purple and gold rose petals floating behind. "Miss Ros-" Getting cut off by her grabbing his collar and throwing him threw the vault ceiling.

Shouting out in rage, she flinched as a bit of light hit her eye from the Ozpin shaped hole in the ceiling. She stopped when she heard a huff on her right. Looking down, she stared at the growling Gore making her growl back in defiance.

And then she dropped down onto him and began to hug his neck, toppling him over with a massive smile. "Big Babyyyyyy." She managed to drawl out with slight struggle. The baby in question just playfully pawing at Ruby. A groan was heard from across the room making Ruby shoot up in alarm.

Cinder was slowly getting up. "From one punch?!" Cinder questioned in slight fear. Hearing footsteps approaching her, she looked up and saw the red and black boots of Ruby. "Youuu!!" Cinder growled out with a glare.

Locking eyes, Cinder stared at the still crazed and unfocused look coming from her. "You're not all there are you?" Cinder asked, and all she got was a glare and a growl in return. Ruby slightly stepped back making Cinder try to scramble to her feet. But it was too late.

Ruby sent a devastating kick to Cinders jaw, hearing a sickening crack and Cinder's head snapping to the side at extreme speeds. She dropped to the floor in unconsciousness. Ruby walked around to her side with a glare, her wings slightly twitching. She rested her boot on Cinders head.

Gore trotted over and sniffed around. Recoiling in surprise when he heard a slight crack and a crater forming around Cinder's head. Ruby had started to put pressure onto her. Not only was Cinder attacking her bringing this on, but something in her head was telling Ruby that Cinder had something that was hers.

'Retrieve your destiny...' A voice spoke making Ruby recoil in pain whilst clutching her head. Gore quickly ran over and wrapped himself around her in attempt to sooth her. Tripping forward she attempted to finish Cinder once more. But a scream of terror managed to briefly redirect her attention.

Snapping her head in the direction of the small tunnel she made, she flew up towards to it. She wasn't able to fit into it properly, so instead she began to dig through and open up the hole, just about big enough for her to fit through.

Appearing on the other side, she stood and watch all the chaos going on around with a new glint in her eye. A black sludge fell from the sky, landing directly in front of her. She stared in a childlike confusion, that confusion turned into a feral grin when a Beowolf began to climb out of the sludge.

It stood at it's full height before looking down at the unfazed Ruby. It leaned back about to roar in her face, but Golden claws pierced it's lower jaw and appeared on top of it's head. It's head became loose as she flung it around.

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