Everyone Has A Weakness

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Yo the end of vol 2 should release in a min so if you want to read that first then wait a couple alright. Thanks.

For Team RWBY, things were only just beginning in their adventure to become the greatest huntress team beacon had to offer. It had only been a few days since Roman had been properly introduced to her team and things went as smooth as they probably could. Where Ruby is now you may ask. The library. The library was a place of knowledge, peace, and quiet. Although ever since the new first years arrived the last two seem to only be a fleeting memory.

"You find anything Weiss?" Ruby's voice called. "No, and it would probably be a lot easier to look if I had a better idea on what I'm looking for." Weiss retorted whilst slowly checking each shelf. "I know just as much as you do. My Uncle Qrow isn't the best for remembering and he saw the book when I was around five." Ruby told her. "Remind me again what we're looking for." Weiss asked her.

With a sigh Ruby stood straight. "A book about monsters. More specifically, ones like Gore. All he remembers is that it had Monster Hunter in its name." Ruby told her once more. "Alright, so not this book then." Weiss mumbled whilst putting a book back which had Monster Girl... something written on it. Ruby couldn't see it clearly. "If the Librarian doesn't know where the book is then who's to say it's even here." Weiss said but slowly gained a frown as she noticed Ruby's frozen look.

"Ruby you did ask the Librarian, right?" Weiss asked through gritted teeth making Ruby release a nervous chuckle. "For Oum's sake Ruby you're gonna get me killed one of these days." Weiss mumbled walking off, followed by an offended Ruby.


Walking over to the half-asleep Ruby, she lightly tapped her arm making her jolt upwards. Seeing Weiss in front of her she gained a slightly hopeful look. "Anything?" She asked making Weiss shake her head. "Nothing." Weiss told her. "Is there anything else your Uncle might have told you?" Weiss asked making Ruby think. "He said Ozpin brought it so it could be just his. If that's right then maybe it's in his office, y'know, in his book shelf thing." Ruby said and watched as surprise washed over Weiss's face.

"I swear you guys think I'm stupid all the time, don't you?" Ruby asked slightly offended. "Can you blame us?" Weiss asked with a deadpanned stare. After a while of silence Ruby answered. "No." She scoffed whilst walking off. "Don't take that tone with me!" Weiss shouted running after her. Ruby stuck her tongue out at Weiss before running and jumping out of a window to get away from her wrath. Laughing the entire way as she free fell to the ground.


Night had finally fallen on beacon Academy and silence had taken over the campus. Staring up at the huge tower that led to Ozpin's office. Ruby did another quick search around the outside. When the coast was clear she silently flew to the top. Landing on the top she pressed her ear against the rooftop floor and concentrated to try and hear anything from inside, any slight movements that could tell her if the place was empty or not.

After a while of nothing, she slowly peaked her head over the edge and through the window. Concentrating, her scales slowly covered her eyes making her release the breath she was holding. Scanning the area, she saw no signs of any heat signatures in the room. Receding her scales, she looked for a window that could be opened or one that was already open. Thankfully, there was. One of the higher and unfortunately, smaller, windows was slightly opened, enough for her to grab and open some more.

Grabbing the window, she slowly pulled herself down until her head was about to enter. Her hand slipped making her clawed wing instinctively dig into the rooftop in order to keep her where she was. Breathing a sigh of relief, she slowly tried to pull herself through the window head first. Finally slipping her legs through after a lot of struggle, she dropped to the ground and headed towards the bookshelf. Quickly checking each book whilst ignoring any that didn't have the name monster in it. Stopping on a book that had the title 'Monster Hunter's Book Of Monsters'.

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