The Showcase Of Ruby Rose

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Red woke up, tired as ever as she stretched and yawned. Dropping her hands back down, she rubbed her eyes to try to get some vision back. Smacking her lips together as she looked around. Stopping when she made contact with Ruby's amused stare. "You have a nice nap?" Ruby asked her, only getting a tired nod before she tried to cuddle up with her again. When she placed her head in the crook of Ruby's neck, she felt a hand softly patting her head making her lull back into a sleep.

"Don't actually sleep Red. You won't tonight otherwise." Ruby said making the girl groan in annoyance. "Kinda hard when you're making me this relaxed." Red told her. "You want me to stop?" She asked making Red shake her head. "How long are you staying?" Red asked whilst slightly looking up to Ruby. "Truthfully. I don't know. All I know is that this should be my last day, don't know when I'm leaving, just, later." Red held her gaze making Ruby look to her confused. "What?" She asked.

"Can you show me everything you can do?" Red asked her. "Sure. I guess. I got a few tricks." Ruby said whilst sitting up, letting Red get off of her first so she didn't fall straight to the floor. "Yang you wanna come?" She asked the bored girl. "Yeah sure, why not." She said whilst getting up and following them out to the backyard. Ruby stood in the clearing whilst Red and Yang stood on the side-lines to watch. "What you want to see first?" Ruby asked whilst turning to the two. "Can you breath fire?" Yang asked with a chuckle.

"No Yang. I cannot. But..." she started, shocking the blonde-haired girl when the purple smog began to gather near her hands. A small ball began to hover in front of her before she raised one of her arms and pointed towards a tree, the ball following in front of it. "You ready Yang?!" She called making her rapidly nod. All of a sudden, the ball rocketed forward with her arm being pushed back, a trail of the frenzy from her arm, following the ball until it hit a tree where it expanded and covered the area in purple.

"A bit underwhelming don't you think. Just a giant smoke screen." Yang muttered but watched as Ruby held her hand up to the trail. And snapped her fingers. The Frenzy igniting and creating a trail of explosions until it created a huge one where it had all gathered. Going wide eyed, Ruby quickly ran over to the two and spread her wings to shield them from the flying debris.

As soon as it all died down, Tai came running out and looking around in worry. "What happened?" He asked concerned. "Nothing! Just... I forgot how powerful explosions are." Ruby sheepishly said making him stare unamused. "Fine. Just fix this." He said before walking back inside. "You can fix this right?" Yang asked a small bit worried.

"I think. Maybe." Ruby said unsure whilst walking over to the small crater. Standing at the edge and staring down, the aura around her boot gained a brown hue as the crater quickly reversed, but now there was a weird platform of raised ground in front of her. "Uhhh... Ta-da." She said whilst gesturing towards it.

"Rubes. This isn't what I meant." Yang said with a sweat drop. "Yeah sorry, I haven't actually taken the time to train with my Maiden powers." Ruby said whilst scratching the side of her head. She turned and started to stare at it making it lower till it was at the right height. "There. Just gonna have to wait for the grass to take back." Ruby said whilst turning back to them.

"What else can you do?!" Red asked excitedly. "Well. My main affinity seems to be Ice." Ruby muttered confusing her. "What does that mean?" Red asked. "I can control Ice a lot easier than the other elements." She said whilst forming a ball in her hands. Reeling her hand back, she threw it straight at Red and it connected making her stagger back with a cold white powder stuck in her hair.

"Did you just throw a snowball at her?" Yang asked in shock whilst staring at the stunned Red. "I did." Ruby said with a straight face and a nod. Red seemed to get herself back together as she sprinted over to Ruby and started to shake her. "No fair! I can't throw one back!" She shouted making Ruby laugh. "And that's why it's fun." She said making Red pout in annoyance.

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