This Is All Very Weird

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Waking up on a new day, Ruby stared at the bottom of the top bunk in silence. Waiting for anything that could lift her mood. A simple loud yawn from her dragon would have done it perfectly, but nothing. Slowly and carefully sitting up, she slid off the bed, not making a single sound. Seeing the window was left open, she dived out and free fell to the ground before unfurling her wings and softly landing.

Pulling her hood up, she took a calming stroll across Beacon grounds. Passing any confused students without a care in the world. Stopping at the fountain and staring at her reflection. Her gold and purple scales clashing with each other. Reaching up and grabbing her purple horn, a bit of it flaked off as her hand brushed against it. Ignoring it with a sigh, she walked over to a nearby bench and collapsed onto it.

Staring at the Bullheads and the early risers of the school with boredom. Pulling out the Ace of Spades, she began to mess with it, spinning it on her finger, flicking out the mag and inspecting the ammo. Deciding to mess with people, she started to aim at random students' heads, track them and make a fake shooting gesture. Most of them ducked in fright before glaring at her.

"You shouldn't be doing that." A voice spoke to her right. Looking over with a dull expression, the bunny Faunus flinched away. "N-n-never mind. Sorry." She said about to leave. "Nothing to apologize for Bun-bun." Ruby said, naturally using the nickname she gave to Velvet. "Bun-bun?" She asked whilst exploding red. "Sorry, I know a bunny Faunus and that's what I call her." Ruby explained.

"Okay, that's fine I guess. But if you don't mind me asking, what's wrong?" She nervously asked making Ruby sigh. "Sorry, sorry, never mind." She quickly said about to turn away. "Relax." Ruby said whilst using her wing to sit Velvet down. "First off, names Violet. Nice to meet you." Ruby said whilst putting her other winged hand forward. "Velvet." She hesitantly responded whilst lightly grabbing Ruby's wing.

"But as to answer your question, I'm homesick. I guess." Ruby said whilst sinking into her cloak. "Well, you can always go visit right?" Velvet asked unsure. "Not yet. Soon but I don't know when. So right now, I'm just waiting." Ruby told her with a somber smile. "Well then I guess you can make the most of it until then." Velvet said with a bright smile, looking over, Ruby's grew a little brighter as well. "Yeah, I guess I can. Gotta make a few stops then. The Vytal Festival is soon right?" She asked whilst standing up.

"Yes, it starts in about a week or two I think." Velvet answered slightly unsure. "That's cool, but the students from other academies are here?" She asked again. "Definitely, yes." Velvet answered in complete certainty. "Cool, where are their dorms? Someone I know is coming here." She told the bunny Faunus. "Oh them, they should be in the same dorm as you." Velvet told her as Ruby nodded. "Thanks Bun-bun." Ruby said as she walked off.

Walking back into the dorms, she took a deep breath in through her nose. Most of the people here had very similar scents to what they had in her world. So when she managed to find the right one... she locked onto it. Following the smell of strawberry, chocolate and Vanilla. Following with her eyes closed, stopping right at a door, she knocked without hesitation.

Staring down as a short girl with green eyes and brown hair tied in pig tails opened the door. She looked up in slight fear at the dragon girl, it didn't help when Ruby leaned down and slightly sniffed her. "You mind if I come in?" Ruby asked as the girl rapidly nodded. She fumbled for her scroll before trying to type into it. "I know sign language if that helps." Ruby told her as the girl looked up surprised before slowly putting her scroll away.

"Team is sleeping." She said as Ruby slightly leaned over her. "I don't smell anyone else in there, or hear." Ruby told her as the girl's face fell. Sighing, she moved to the side whilst gesturing for Ruby to enter. "Thank you." Ruby said whilst walking past. The girl turned around slightly annoyed. Stopping when she came face to face with a leaning over and smirking Ruby. "First-" Ruby started before blowing in her face, a purple mist coming out as the girl blinked in confusion.

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