Important A/N

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Greetings, one and all, been a while. Tis I, the creator of this lovely book.

Now, you may be wondering where I've been. And all I can truly say, is that I will not lie to you all and tell you that I've been brainstorming or stocking up on new chapters. So I won't say anything.

Instead, what I will tell you is that I am going to attempt to get back into the swing of things. I've recently been hit with the receiving end on what I'm doing to this book, randomly stopping with little warning and not uploading for god knows how long, except I do know. It's been over 4 months. Me no like that.

So I'm gonna try in my spare time to fix this, and I'll ask you something here like I usually do, regarding how I might upload, do you want me to try stock up on a few chapters for a bit or should I try and release them as they come. Up to you lot.

However, this time, I have a bit of a plan, and I'll show you two marks of pure genius on my story board so you can truly see just how serious I am.

First bit of notes.

And second bit of notes.


know. Calm yourselves, I might have given too much away with this short snippit of my notes.

But yeah, sorry for the random disappearing act that I pulled, I'll try and stay this time. Unfortunately, no promises tho.

And as Usual, I hope you've enjoyed this trainwreck of a story, and I'll talk more in the next chapter.

I bid you all adiue.

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