The Uncle And The Sister

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A cliffside view of the rising sun. A forest directly behind Ruby as she stood in front of an all too familiar grave. "Hey mom." Ruby spoke whilst sitting down. "Been a while since I talked to you up here. Feels a bit weird talking to a grave now that I know, You know." Ruby said whilst falling back. "I'm glad you're still with us. Even if none of us knew, and the reason you are still alive hasn't changed anything. You're still my mom. I'm just scared about telling the others, of what they might think. But then if I don't tell them it would be even worse, especially on dad. It took him ages to admit that you were finally gone, and if he knew what's happened to you. Well I doubt even her powers could keep him from getting to you." She said followed by a calm silence.

"I'm trying. Everything's happening so fast, but I'm trying. Plus I got Gore and Yang there for me always. And Weiss, Oum I wish you could meet her right now. But I'll just have to wait, we'll meet again mom. Face to face, I'll make sure of it." She finished before slowly standing up. "Dad's here so I gotta go. Love you mom."


"RUBY IT WOULD BE HELPFUL IF YOU FOUGHT BACK!!" Weiss shouted after seeing Ruby only dodge her opponents attacks, all the while she was in the middle of fighting a different enemy team member. "But I don't want to take the fun away from you guys!" She shouted back ignoring the annoyed look on her opponents face.

"It would be even more fun if we win this fight so please, just do it normally!" Weiss shouted back making Ruby roll her eyes. Dropping under one of the attacks from the staff wielder, she kicked upwards into his chest making a look of pain appear on his face as he was pushed upwards. Before he could go far Ruby grabbed him by the leg and threw him out of bounds. "BOLIN HORI HAS BEEN KNOCKED OUT OF BOUNDS! HIS AURA SO CLOSE TO BEING DEPLETED AS WELL!" Port shouted through the microphone.

"Happy?!" Ruby asked making Weiss nod whilst looking at her trapped opponent. "LOOKS LIKE TEAM ARBURN ARE IN A TRICKY SITUATION!! ONE TEAM MATE DOWN!! ONE UNFIT FOR COMBAT!! AND THE OTHER TWO ARE OCCUPIED WITH YANG AND BLAKE OF TEAM RWBY!! WHAT WILL THEY DO!!" Professor Port shouted.

"We could help them." Weiss said gesturing to their other two teammates. "YOU GUYS NEED ANY HELP?!" Ruby asked. "NO THANKS SIS!!", "I SHOULD BE GOOD!" Were their responses. "See, they're fine." Ruby said making Weiss sigh. "You have any idea how embarrassing this is?" Weiss' opponent asked. "What, being frozen to the ground?" Ruby asked confused. "No, being beaten in a one on one fight by a girl in heels." He said making Ruby glare at him. Her winged fist soared at his face knocking him out in one clean punch. "You see that! That was you getting knocked out by my wing!" Ruby shouted down to him. 

"Ruby he can't hear you he's unconscious." Weiss calmly told her whilst watching her other teammates fight. "AND ANOTHER KNOCKOUT!! NADIR SHIKO HAS BEEN DEFEATED LEAVING ONLY TWO MEMBERS OF ARBURN UP AND RUNNING!! EMPHASIS ON THE RUNNING!!" Doctor Oobleck announced

Looking back over she watched as Blake wrapped the two up with her ribbon whilst Yang sent a dust infused punch towards them sending them flying out of the ring. "AND THAT FINISHES THE FIGHT WITH TWO MORE OUT OF BOUNDS KNOCKOUTS!! THE VICTORS?! TEAM RWBYYYYY!!!" Port shouted as RWBY stared up at the applauding crowd. "We won." Weiss said sheathing her weapon. "Course we won. We're awesome." Yang said whilst joining the other two.


"I'm hungry." Ruby said whilst standing in the middle of the fairgrounds. "I am also a bit peckish." Blake said before getting interrupted by a loud growl from her stomach. "What the hell is your hungry?" Ruby asked concerned. "Gee, if only there was somewhere on campus to get food. Oh wait." Weiss said making Ruby put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry Weiss, I forgot about the fairgrounds too." she said making Weiss sigh. "I was being facetious." She said making Ruby throw her hands in the air. "Well if you were hungry why didn't you just say so!?"

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