Professor Ozpin and Gore Magala

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"Ozpin, I need you over here to come look at this thing." Qrow said, holding a scroll up to his ear. On the other end of the call was Professor Ozpin, the headmaster to one of the four great huntsman academies. And right now, Qrow needed him to have a look at the creature he brought home.

"Is there anything I should know before I come over there." Ozpin asked. "Uhh, I don't know." he started, a tired look on his face. "You got anything on dragons." A sigh could be heard from the scroll as Ozpin responded. "Qrow, dragons don't exist anymore."

"Well I don't know what to tell you Oz, there's a dragon in my niece's room right now." This caught Ozpin's attention "You have a dragon in your niece's room and you're not keeping an eye on it?" He asked in slight alarm "AH HA, I thought you said dragons didn't exist anymore." He responded with a smirk on his face.

Once more a sigh could be heard, "I will come down now Qrow, just, keep an eye on it."


A massive metal contraption slowly descended outside of a wooden house in the middle of a forest. The doors slowly opening as a man with white hair and small glasses stepped out. Next to him stood a well-endowed woman with blonde hair that was tied up in a neat bun. A strict look on her face as she held a clipboard and a riding crop.

As they both walked up to the door of the big wooden house, they knocked and waited before Qrow opened it to greet the two, a lazy smirk on his face. "Hey there Oz, ready to get your mind blown." Once again, Ozpin sighed "Let's get this over with Qrow."

Qrow nodded before looking over towards Glynda, standing up straight and gaining another smirk, he nodded towards her as a small greeting. "Glynda." Recieving a nod back accompanied with a straight face "Qrow." Opening the door fully, he let them both in.

"it's upstairs in Ruby's room." This time he gained a shocked looked from Glynda. "You left her alone with a creature you know nothing about!" She questioned in shock "Hey nothing bad has happened so far." Qrow responded. Although they were both cut off by a loud crash that came from upstairs, gaining an alarmed look on all of their faces. "You were saying."

Qrow darted straight for Ruby's room, Ozpin and Glynda both running after him trying to keep up. Throwing open her door he looked inside, the room was mess, the bed was toppled over, the curtains were ripped at the ends, and the creature was laying down on its side in the middle of the mess, Ruby nowhere to be seen.

Immediately reaching for his weapon Qrow was about to charge towards the creature, yet he was stopped by a soft giggle that came from the wings of the dragon. Slowly walking up to it he crouched down, grabbing the top wing, making the creature recoil away from him slightly. "Hey, hey, hey, just me, just wanna check on my niece, alright?"

Qrow noticed a small nod come from the creature as it slowly lifted one of its wings. He saw Ruby sleeping peacefully as the creature held her close, the occasional warm breath coming from the creature that tickled her neck, making her giggle every now and again. Qrow let out a sigh of relief as he saw that Ruby was okay.

"So, this is the creature you were talking about." Came the unexpected voice of Ozpin, he was standing by the door with Glynda next to him. "Yeah, you got anything on him?" Qrow asked. "I brought a few books that I could look through. You just keep an eye on it for now."

A soft growl came from the creature next to Qrow, making them all look towards it. Qrow rested his hand on the creature's head before asking "Don't like, 'it', huh?" Seeing the creature shake it's head Qrow continued. "What about 'she', you a girl?" Another growl came from the creature. "Alright, alright, you're a guy, I get it." He answered in mock annoyance.

"Qrow, I'll go check the books, you keep an eye on him." Ozpin repeated, walking off whilst taking a sip of the hot cocoa he always carried around. "Hey Glynda, you mind giving me a hand cleaning up?" he asked whilst gesturing to the mess that was Ruby's room.

Pushing her glasses up and sighing, she waved her riding crop as the bed was surrounded by a purple glow, making it levitate. "Let's get this over with."


Walking back into the room, Ozpin caught sight of Qrow and Glynda having a peaceful conversation on Yang's bed, a rare sight indeed. Ruby and the creature, now on her bed both still asleep in the same position that they were left in. "Ahem." Ozpin said gaining the attention of the two adults in the room.

"I believe, I have found what our little friend here is." he said making the other two walk over to him, they noticed an old looking journal in Ozpin's hand. "Well, c'mon then Oz, what is he".

Flipping through the journal, Qrow caught sight of other creatures, for a split second a creature called a Ratholos caught his attention, before Ozpin stopped on a page with a picture of a creature that looked almost identical to the one on Ruby's bed, it had the title Gore Magala.

"It says here that it's species is called Gore Magala, a wyvern that has similar traits to that of an elder dragon. Haven't heard that in a while. Wings that look like a ragged and tattered cape, alongside claws on said wings that seem to possess apposable thumbs. He can use them for grabbing, help at running or to cloak itself by latching them onto his back.", he read.

Qrow looked from the wyvern to the book. "Hey Oz, does it say anything else in there about him." he asked, making Ozpin look at him with an eyebrow raised, before looking back to the book to read further on.

"It says here that the Gore Magala has scales that are used to understand their environment and leave behind a trail that Gore Magala can use to see both predators and prey via heat, it says they can also act as the vector for the pathogen known as the Frenzy Virus"

The word 'virus' put Qrow into immediate alarm "Virus, what Virus, does it say anything about what the Virus is" he asked, clear distress in his voice. "Calm down Qrow." Glynda began, only to be cut off by Qrow "Calm down, what do you mean calm down, he's been around Ruby for a good couple of hours and I'm just now finding out he carries a Virus that does Oum knows what." raising his voice just a tiny bit before seeing the serious look that Glynda held.

"Let, Him, Finish." she said, gaining a nod from Ozpin as he flicked through the journal, "Thank you Glynda. Now. Ah ha, right here. It says that in humans, the Virus will affect them differently than if it got to a monster, it says that it will nullify a person's natural healing ability, but they can still recover with the aid of medication or healing items, also they will get hurt a lot easier when facing an opponent that is in a frenzy state." he finished.

"Alright and how does it spread exactly." Qrow asked, starting to get a little impatient. "I was getting there, just give me a second. It says here that the Virus is bound to the dander-like scales that cover the membrane of its wings. When spread, the scales scatter through the air and float around the area that they were released. It says it is a way for the Gore Magala to see, compensating for the Gore's poorly developed eyes."

"That still doesn't answer my question" Qrow interrupted, getting Ozpin on his last nerve. "For crying out loud Qrow, if you would let me finish you would know, as it says right here that the small scales... are.... inhaled" he finished, his reading getting slower and slower, as it all started to settle in. A virus that is spread through the air, one that needs to be inhaled, and they have all been in the same room as the creature for a good while now.

Silence took over the room as the adults began to realise the situation, but their attention was stolen by the sound of a quiet cough that came from the bed. A single thought had crossed all of their minds at that moment. They forgot about the one person who has been with him the longest.


Hey there, me again, second chapter to this book, Hope you liked it. Quick important question. Do you want Gore Magala to have a human form, or have it where he is only a dragon and thats it. No twist like "Oh it was you all along". Just straight up, a dragon tagging along with Ruby, let me know which one you want.

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