Death With The Destruction

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Staring down the crazed Cinder, Ruby could only sigh and deadpan in exhaustion. "Would you look who it is, the consequences of my own actions." She muttered whilst moving forward. "Alright Oz!! I doubt there's only one entrance here, so go take...Pyrrha!? And run!!" She shouted, giving Cinder a weird look when she didn't break her stare directed towards Ruby.

"I now have the Fall Maidens powers. I wonder what will happen if I get yours too." Cinder wondered out loud. "Listen, crazy lady, I couldn't care what random bull you're going to start throwing at me. Can we just fight?" Ruby asked, wanting to kill her monologuing before it started. Cinder did nothing but raise her arm and point it towards Ruby. A bright orange glow appeared before stream of fire headed towards her.

A wall of Ice appeared, blocking the start of the attack, but she didn't let up. The stream of fire constantly hammering down the melting wall. As soon as it shot through, a deranged grin formed on her face. "You think you got her?" Slowly looking to her right, Ruby was stood and staring in the same direction right next to her. Looking over to the surprised woman, Ruby gave her a toothy smile. "Hi." Quickly jumping out of the way as Cinder redirected the stream towards her.

"You do know there's a limit, right?!" Ruby asked as she continued to dodge it. "So what!! If I run out I'll just kill you the normal way!!" Cinder shouted. "Not how that works but alright!!" Running straight towards Cinder, she rolled under the fire and sprung upwards feet first, kicking Cinder into the air. Appearing in her path with her fists raised high. She brought them down onto Cinder sending her barrelling to the ground.

Crashing and forming a slight crater, she shakily stood back up, an orange glow encasing her as she seemed to get her energy back. "Well that's a pain." Ruby muttered. Ruby breathed in heavily making her chest puff up. Cinder looked on confused as Ruby let it all go. The room being filled with a purple smog as Cinder looked around confused. She tried to make out anything, but it was all too foggy.

A spark near hand caught her attention. Looking down, she noticed the parts around her hands were perfectly clear. Conjuring a ball of fire, any of the Virus that came into contact with it burned away. A crazed grin formed on her face as she began to funnel magic into the ball making it larger. Before she could do anything with it, a strong force connected with her back sending her plummeting to the floor once more.

"You thought I was just going to sit around whilst you did that?" Ruby asked in a condescending tone. Cinder flung her arm back with the ball still in hand. Ruby jumped away allowing Cinder to get back up. "You seem so afraid of fire. Why?" Cinder questioned, spinning around in the still fogged up room. "Could it be trauma? Were you burnt as a child? Maybe a fire took away your family? Or are you just afraid of what it can do?" Cinder question, trying to keep Ruby distracted whilst conjuring another ball of fire in her other hand.

Suddenly lifting her arms, two separate streams of fire launched out in opposite directions. Burning a large amount of the Virus, continuously burning away at it all as she gave out an unhinged laugh. Slowly growing confused when she noticed the fog just filling itself back up. "You underestimate me, Cinder." Ruby's voice echoing all around the room. "And it'll be the last thing you do." Her voice now appearing from right next to her ear. Swinging around, no one was there.

"Why do you crave power? Everyone has a reason, a motive. So tell me, Cinder. What's yours." The anger inside of her quickly bubbling up, a spark of fire appearing around her as she held herself close. "That's none of your business!" She shouted out into the foggy abyss. "You've gone through all this trouble to get your 'deserved' power. Only for me to take it away from you right after." Ruby taunted. "Shut Up!!" The fire around Cinder growing brighter. "The almighty Cinder Fall getting defeated by a child no less. Imagine if everyone heard of what a failure you are."

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