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You lot know how much I hate doing this, but I feel like when it's almost been three weeks with nothing, I think you should get this. There isn't a big reason for why I haven't uploaded beside the fact that I've had nothing in my head for the next chapter. I have tried to sit down and power through, but nada. What I have tried is writing some other stuff because I have been getting ideas for other stories, but if you read some of my other stuff, you would notice I haven't uploaded there either, that's because some of the other stuff I'm writing is part of unreleased books, or ones that I've written but am waiting for when I focus on that book.

Now with all that said, I have no clue when I might get another chapter out, usually when I upload one of these I randomly get sparks of writing enthusiasm, so either expect an upload soon or keep your expectations low and hope there is one at some point in time. Another thing, I will never be stopping this book, no matter how long it takes it will be complete. You're just gonna have to bear with me.

But, here's something that might help me. You guys got any questions about the book? anything thats confused you up to this point? Just anything really and I'll try to answer.

And with all of that out of the way, sorry once more. And I thank you for reading this book so far.

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