Confrontation And The Bestowal

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"Miss Rose, you mean to tell me that this is the Maiden powers?" Ozpin asked whilst carefully taking the orange orb out of her hand. "I think so, it came out of Cinder, so I froze it." She simply told him. "And the blood?" He asked, staring at her red covered hands. "That... is none of your business." She told him whilst hiding her hands in her cloak.

"Fine, I thank you Miss Rose, and I will be looking into this. The battle seems to have calmed down, the White Fang are retreating, and the Grimm are slowly dwindling in numbers. So I believe we all can relax." Ozpin told them all. And like a switch had been flipped, nearly all of the students collapsed to the ground. "Ooh, sorry, relax on the bullhead. Evacuation of Beacon is still in process." He said making everyone groan.

"Students, get on the bullhead." Glynda's stern voice called. And one by one, they all filtered in. Before Blake could enter, she was ripped away from the group and put in front of Ruby. "I need to talk to you." Ruby whispered, confusing her greatly. "Why not on the bullhead?" She asked confused. "Cause it's a difficult topic and would be easier to explain if you could see what I'm talking about." Ruby told her whilst walking off along the school grounds.

"You know how I fought Adam." Ruby started. "Yes, hard to forget when you threatened to murder us if we didn't leave." Blake told her with a slight glare. "Sorry, I didn't really want to, but he was very unstable." Ruby told her.  "It's fine, I understand why. But we could have helped." Blake said whilst sighing. "It's not really whether or not you could help, mainly that I didn't want you to watch." Ruby hesitantly explained. "I knew it wasn't going to go in a safe direction, so you watching would have made me hesitate." Ruby told her.

That's when things started to click in Blakes mind. The way she talked about Adam, and why would she hesitate. "What did you do?" Blake hesitantly asked. And Ruby ignored, pulling her hood over her face to hide herself. Stopping in front of the canteen. Blake looked over confused. "Why are we back here?" She asked in slight fear. All Ruby did was point inside. Hesitantly walking forward, she poked her head in and took a look. Immediately pulling away with a pale face. She looked over horrified in Ruby's direction. "You...You did that?" She managed to ask.

"What was I supposed to do? He was gonna kill me, and You, and Yang." Ruby defended. "Yeah but, no one deserves that, to have their only ties to being a Faunus ripped off, and then their skull crushed. Murder is bad already! But that just isn't right!" She told her and watched as an angered expression started to form on Ruby's face.

"Yeah well you know what else isn't right?! Running around and killing people with the excuse that it's to stop Faunus racism! All he's done is paint a bigger target on your back, making people believe that every Faunus is meant to be a terrorist when they grow up! Cause guess what, that's what Faunus are now! Every single one of them is a terrorist because that bull wanted to speed things up! You need some sort of miracle! Cause with the way things are going, Faunus aren't going to be equal, they aren't going to be superior either! You're gonna be humanity's number! One! Enemy!"

The horrified expression on Blakes face slowly morphing into shock then fear. Being backed up into a wall with Ruby slowly approaching in anger. She looked all around before focusing back onto Ruby. Then with one final look of fear, she ran. Ruby stood there, frozen, staring at where Blake used to be. And with a quick shout of rage, she imbedded her fist into the wall, ripping it back out and kicking the floor.

Looking over to the still retreating Blake, Ruby used her semblance and appeared in front of her. Pushing Blake to the ground, She pinned her arms whilst locking her legs with her tail. "You're not running from this Blake! I won't let you." Staring down at the annoyed and struggling Faunus. "What would you know! You got turned into a whatever the hell you are, giving you the strongest power boost of your life! You're so strong that you came here and your only thought was how could I fuck with these people! You got off lucky!"

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