The Paladin Mission

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The outskirts of Vale are an ugly place to be at. The crime, the danger, the unknown corners that you can get lost in. You never wanna be there. Yet here she was, the Young Ruby Rose and her dragon Gore, waiting outside what looked like the only clean place in the area. Waiting for a crime boss that told her to come here, not a very smart thing to do but she likes putting her trust in people. Feeling a hand rest on top of her head, she turned to look at who was responsible. Seeing the Ginger with a smirk she couldn't help but smile up at him. "Hey Roman. How're you doing?" she asked almost missing his smirk slightly drop. "Not good kid. My boss is apparently moving on to Phase two."

"Shouldn't we be doing this inside?" Ruby asked pointing to the Ice Cream parlour in front of her. "Right, right." He answered opening the door, Gore walked ahead of them and went to a booth where a girl was sitting. When Ruby saw who it was, she darted over and gave them a hug. "NEOOO!!" she cheered rubbing her cheek against hers. The multicoloured haired girl made sure that her Ice-cream wasn't spilled before patting her on the head. "Why don't you order something scales, I'll pay for it." Roman told her sitting on the other chair in the booth. Without another word she darted for the counter.

"So, Gore, was it?" Roman asked down to the dragon making Gore nod. "Was she always all. Scaley?" He asked not knowing how to word it. He sighed when he realised he was talking to a dragon, Of all things. But he stopped when Gore shook his head. Ruby sped back to the table with a beaming smile. A huge tub of Ice-cream in her hands. "Did you know they did cookie dough ice-cream with crushed cookies on the top!?" She asked before taking a bite and basically melting into the chair. "C'mon scales, serious." Roman told her with a mock glare. "I would take that a lot more seriously if she wasn't doing the exact same thing." Ruby said pointing to Neo, who in fact was melting into her chair over her Neapolitan Ice cream.

"Anyways, as I said earlier. Phase two." He started, making Ruby sit up properly. "Apparently, if I didn't misread the very descriptive email. They are going to be infiltrating Beacon under the guise of exchange students." he said. "What does Guise mean?" Ruby asked. "Another word for in disguise. Anyways, I'm pretty sure they're already there. But I'm not sure. They've made me steal an atlas Paladin, massive thing, looks terrifying, definitely shouldn't be in our hands. SO! I'll message you an address for when It's gonna be on display. You pick your time right, then you might be able to destroy it." He explained to her then saw the Cogs start to turn in her head.

"So, you want me and my team to destroy a paladin you stole for your boss?" She asked slapping Gore's face away as he tried to go for her ice-cream. "That's right." he answered. "And how exactly are we gonna do that?" She asked. "I don't know, do it like you always do with all of my other plans." He said before reaching over for Neo's Ice-cream. "Yeah, sorry about that." She said with a nervous laugh. "Eh it's fine, half of it is just annoying her so, do what you want." he told dismissing her thoughts on the matter. "Anyways, the boring stuff is over. How's your Faunus friend doing." He asked her.

"Blake? Ohh, y'know, she's doing... Okay. But I guess the White Fang working with criminals doesn't sit well with her." she said keeping her face dug in the Ice-cream. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Y'know the guy who's running the whole Vale part of the White Fang is one serious wackadoodle. Running around preaching how the Faunus race are superior and whatnot. I mean I get where he's coming from but, it's just making the whole Faunus human thing harder." he said finishing the Ice-cream. Looking up across the table he saw Neo glaring at him, throwing over some money the glare dropped. "Yeah, yeah go get some more Ice-cream." he said making her roll her eyes at him before getting up. And out of nowhere Gore got up and followed her.

"Oooh, that's new." Ruby said watching the two walk over to the counter. Roman's face seemed to light up as he looked over to the girl. "Hey that's an idea, if you ever get the chance see if you can knock some sense into him." he told her and watch as confusion took over. "C'mon, you really think I would be here of my own good nature a couple months ago?" He asked her and then she started to understand what he meant. "I really had that much of an impact?" she asked. "Course you did, I mean hey, I'm a crime boss who had Vale on the ropes, and now I'm eating Ice-cream and ratting out my boss to a huntress in training."

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