The CCT Attacker

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"Weissssssssss. Is there food here?" Ruby asked looking around as her stomach grumbled. "Of course there's food here, but not proper meals, only finger foods." Weiss said having gone back to trying to fix the flower. Looking over she saw Ruby practically taking the entire food table on her plate. Walking over with a sigh, she took the plate out of her hands and put some of it back. "It's for everyone Ruby, so don't take it all." Weiss said ignoring her pout.

"Fine." She said grabbing the plate back. Turning about to go back to her table, she was sent into a stunned silence at the performance in front of her. "I'm not going crazy right?" She asked dropping the sandwich that was in her hand. "How are they so coordinated?" Weiss asked just as shocked. Team JNPR were performing a dance routine that probably took them weeks to perfect.

"It's glorious." Ruby said, her shock turning to amazement. "It is, isn't it." Weiss said watching the dance finish. The ballroom erupted into applause, when it all died down, Weiss headed off. When Ruby saw she was about to go back to the wilted flower, she grabbed her arm and dragged her out to the balcony. "You gotta let go of the flower Weiss." She said making her sigh in frustration. "But everything was perfect and that thing just didn't want to live for one extra night." She said with a frustrated look on her face.

"It is perfect, a single flower shouldn't ruin that." She said trying to comfort her, and it worked, evident by the small smile that was appearing on her face. "It is, isn't it. Especially the doilies, and Yang said we shouldn't have them." She said crossing her arms with a look of pride. As the silence took over, they both just stood and stared at the lights of the city. Sighing, Weiss rested her head on Ruby's shoulder. One of Ruby's wings unfurled, the claw rested on Weiss' shoulder as it wrapped around her. Both of them relaxing in the cold air and the pale moonlight.

The calm silence was broken as Ruby spotted a black streak run across the rooftops. "You saw that too, right?" Ruby asked trying to find it again. "The mysterious black streak that ran past?" Weiss asked back. "Yes, that would be the one." Ruby said her vision turning to what Gore would see. To everyone else, her scales had covered her eyes like a blindfold and her horns started to glow a soft pink. "What are you doing?" Weiss asked noticing the change.

Looking down, she stared at her with her covered eyes. "This just lets me see things like Gore does. And by that I mean I can see heat signatures." She explained before looking back out into the city. "Alright, what do you see then?" Weiss asked. "Someone's heading over to the CCT Building... aaaaand they knocked out the front guard." Ruby explained. "They wha??" Weiss said shocked. "They, knocked, out, the, front, guard." Ruby repeated.

"I heard you, just didn't process it properly." she said looking away. "You wanna follow them?" She asked before getting swept of her feet and into Ruby's arms. "Surprised it took you that long to ask." She said jumping off the balcony. Spreading her wings to slow her fall. Weiss wrapped her arms around Ruby in slight terror. "Relax I got you." Ruby said laughing slightly.

Reaching the floor, she slowly put her down. "You alright?" She asked the slightly shaking girl. "I am perfectly fine." She responded taking slow steps towards the CCT building. Pulling her scroll out of her pocket, Weiss called her locker for her weapon. "Aren't you going to call yours." She asked looking over at the swaying Ruby. "Oh, naaa. Aunt Glynda said I can't use it on people." She explained as the locker crashed next to them. "You really need to get another weapon then." Weiss said getting her gear.

"I know. I might go to Vale some time to get another one." She said walking off. "Wait for me!" Weiss shouted running over to her. "How do you run in those?" Ruby asked genuinely bewildered "It's easy, I don't know how to explain it but I find it easy." She said to her.

Walking up to the steps, they saw a knocked-out guard in front of the doors. "Very stealthy." Ruby said stepping over the body. "They could have at least hid it." Weiss said following her. Walking in they saw the bodies that were sprawled out on the floor. "I swear anybody could walk in here and know somethings up." she said walking to the elevator.

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