The Journal Of The Wizard

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Ozma's Log #379

Ruby Rose was an anomaly, something different that was hard to make sense of. When I had heard of another potential silver eyed warrior, I couldn't wait for the wonders they would bring. I couldn't wait to see what sort of impact they would have on this secret war I was fighting. But when one person with so much potential starts to become... more of an everchanging factor... that's when doubt starts to creep in. When the need to know becomes too unbearable. That is when you start taking risks. Even when you know it is morally wrong, but you still just have to know... What would happen.

So you start of slow, you don't just dive into the deep end of the pool, no, you test the shallow waters first. In this case, what would happen if a seemingly unknown monster were to spend an extended amount of time with someone it seems to have bonded with. Well, there's only one way to find out isn't there. So, when they come back to you with what seemed like a power boost, multiple genetic enhancements, and a way to activate it at a moment's notice. Well that just leaves you wanting to know more. Now what would happen if the situation were to arise, where said power boost is needed, but the means to activate it is nowhere in sight. How else are you going to find out except guiding them to the situation.

It evolves, in ways that, without further research, no-one may ever understand. The subject loses its way to change, so what does it do, it creates a weaker permanent solution, a half way point so to say. And by this point you've gone too far to turn back, so you keep testing the limits. What would happen if they start to create more bonds, would the effect spread, or was this a one-off thing, was it a one in a-million. Was she just so lucky to be gifted all of these powers, that she may be what the world needs. Or will she be its ultimate demise, the true end to this world. We will never know until further risks have been taken, the occasional blind eye to any personal mission that may be conducted.

As of this point in Ruby's life, she has not been affected any more than the last, her silver eyes still locked behind some sort of barrier, but the powers she has gained from this... Frenzy Virus... Will be sufficient enough for the time being. The changes to her body are extraordinary, everything about it seems unreal, but, sometimes even the most insane solutions work. So, who is to deny anyone of the pursuit of knowledge into the unknown that is Ruby Rose. 

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