Ice Queen And The Draconic Rose Dance

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A quiet smack resonated around the room. "Gore, get off my bed." Weiss mumbled trying to go back to sleep. After feeling another smack, she sat up awake looking around with a glare. Yet Gore was nowhere to be seen. Although to her right was a face down Ruby with a thick purple and black tail wagging all around the place. "Ruby, you have a tail." Weiss calmly said patting her head. Sleep still messing with her mind.

Letting out a quick gasp she turned back to Ruby. "Ruby, you have a tail!" She said rapidly tapping the sleeping girl. The girl in question just clasped her winged hand on her face making her shut her mouth. Staring down with a deadpanned look she crossed her arms and waited. Slowly Ruby woke up, sitting up she smacked her lips together before looking over at the annoyed Weiss. "What was the problem again?" Ruby asked still very tired.

"Right sorry." Ruby said lowering her wing from Weiss' face. "You have a tail." She simply said gesturing to the extra appendage on the young Rose' body. Slowly she looked down and as Weiss said, there was a tail. "Heyyy, look at that. I have a tail." She tiredly said whilst hugging it and about to fall back asleep. Sighing, Weiss grabbed her by the shoulder and dragged her back up. "Ruby, you did not have a tail yesterday." Weiss explained to her.

"Heh, what's the point of worrying about it. It's gonna happen a lot so I might as well just roll with it." Ruby told her. Still very tired and the fact that it was Saturday, Ruby let go of her tail and grabbed Weiss instead. "Ruby no!" Weiss shouted in desperation. But it was too late, Ruby was out like a light and Weiss was in her clutches. "You're lucky I like you." Weiss whispered before closing her eyes to sleep as well.


"Ruby, Which one?" Weiss asked slamming two table cloths onto the table in front of her. Ruby looked at the cloth then to the tables they would be on. "That one." she said pointing to the one on the left. "Thank you. I was thinking that one too but needed a second opinion." She said walking off. "How did you do that?" Yang asked. "I have no clue." Ruby said genuinely confused. "Anyways, you got a dress yet?" Yang asked her sister. "Yessss, and I think it looks nice." She said to her all giddy.

"Same, I am going to be turning heads tomorrow." She said with a confident smirk before seeing what Weiss was doing. "Weiss, I thought we agreed no Doilies!" She shouted over to her. "Yeah, well if I can't have doilies then you can't have fog machines." Weiss argued getting in her face. A loud bang was heard as the doors were thrown open. "Did you say there was gonna be fog machines?" Neptune asked walking over.

"Not unless I get my doilies." Weiss said still peeved about the incident. "Fine. But they better look good." Yang said caving. "As if they would look bad." She said walking away. Hearing a yelp, they looked over to Ruby with Neptune trying to walk behind her. "Watch where you're going!" Ruby shouted rubbing her tail to calm the pain. "Woah, sorry there didn't see it." Neptune said trying to apologise. "What?! How can you not see it it's massive!!" Ruby shouted standing up and baring her teeth at him.

"Woah, Woah, Rubes calm down." Yang said walking over to them both. "Why should I!? He stepped on my tail on purpose!!" She shouted again. "How do you know that?" Yang asked making Ruby just point at her tail and its size. "Yeah no that checks out." Yang said agreeing with her sister. "Well I didn't see it." Neptune spoke up. "Ohhhh! Watch when my fist doesn't see your face in its way!!" She shouted about to lunge at him.

"Alright Ruby, how about we go to the cafeteria and get you some cookies." Weiss said walking over and diffusing the situation. "Ooooh, cookies. With the chocolate chips?!" She asked with drool escaping her mouth. "With extra chocolate chips." Weiss said booping her on the nose and guiding her out of the ballroom.

"What's up with her?" Sun asked after watching that entire thing go down. "She's been a bit iffy with the whole changing thing." Yang explained. "Damn, puberty this late huh." Sun said feeling bad for her. "NOO! No! She's been changing as a side effect of her bond with Gore." Yang said slightly disgusted. "You mean the dragon that's asleep on the stage?" Sun asked pointing to the sleeping dragon. "That would be the one." Yang answered.

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