The Forever Falls Forest

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It was the dead of night, the shattered moonlight falling onto remnant, a faint white glow entering the dorm window. Ruby was the only one awake right now, changing out of her pyjamas as Gore crept over to the door. Gore made a wrong step and a loud creak was heard all across the room. Shutting her eyes closed for a while in anticipation, when nothing happened, she slowly opened one of her eyes and looked around, no one woke up. Looking over at Gore she slightly glared in his direction. Walking over and opening the door, they both slowly walked out. Closing the door, darkness and silence took over once again in the dorm. A few seconds had passed and Blake slowly rose from her bed. Getting up she tried to follow where Ruby has gone.

Walking out of the dorm building she looked around in confusion when she hadn't seen anything around her. Even with her night vision she couldn't see where Ruby had gone, "She can't have gone far." Blake whispered to herself. Brushing off the situation she walked back in to the dorm. As the door closed Gore had dropped to the ground from above, Ruby slightly patted his head before he took off into the night sky.


The morning had arrived, although today Blake was the first to awake. Rubbing her eyes, she looked at her team leaders' bed to see it occupied with the person in question. Trailing the bed, she looked to see Gore asleep at the end of Ruby's bed like usual. Getting up with a slight glare of suspicion, she walked into the bathroom and got changed into her uniform. When she was done, she walked back into the sleeping area to see Ruby waking up. "Can I talk to you?" Blake asked making Ruby look over at her.

"If it's about last night then sure." she answered sitting up straight on her bed, watching as Blake climbed up onto her own. "Alright, what were you doing exactly?" She asked looking down at her leader. "I'm trying to properly control my wings." Stretching them out and retracting them to show her what she meant. "I've been flying with Gore so he can catch me if I fail, it's been tricky but I'm getting better with them." She explained and then watched with confusion as Blake started to look a slight bit guilty.

"What's wrong?" Ruby asked, "I'm sorry for assuming the worst. When I saw you leaving, I thought you were doing something, let's say morally wrong." she admitted, "Do you mind if I ask you something?" staring up at her leader, she nodded. "Do you not trust us because of the..." trailing off and pointing to her head making Blake look at her wide eyed in alarm. "Do the others know?" she asked looking at the two sleeping teammates. "I don't think so, they haven't mentioned it so I assume not. But you can trust us, you may not think it right now but, I hope you will soon." Deciding to finish the conversation there in favour of waking up the rest of her team.


The day had passed quite quickly, Ruby was returning to her dorm to turn in for the night when she spotted someone outside their door. "Hey Jaune." Ruby called out to the depressed looking leader of team JNPR. "Guh!" Turning around in surprise he saw Ruby standing in front of him. "Long time no see. Did you lock yourself out again?" she asked looking at Jaune. "Oh uh, nope!" he answered rubbing the back of his head in slight embarrassment. "Heh, got it." he said holding up his scroll. "So, where have you been lately?" Ruby asked already knowing the answer, but she wanted to see if he would ask for help, or at least tell her.

"I uhh...." he started, looking down as if in thought, "I did something I shouldn't have, and now Cardin's got me on a leash and, Pyrrha won't even talk to me... I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea." Sliding down his door in self-pity, "I'm a failure." Ruby looked at him before gaining a small smirk, "Nope." she said down to the boy. "Nope?" He asked in slight confusion "Nope. You're a leader now Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure, even if it seems a little harsh."

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