The Magic In The Dragon

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Up in Ozpin's tower, He and the General were having a much needed discussion. "Ruby Rose, are you certain she can be kept under control?" Ironwood asked whilst staring out at his marching soldiers. "Honestly... I don't know." He answered. "Then are there at least precautions in place?" He asked again. "Yes, in case of a sudden burst of rage, we have her family. But if for some reason that doesn't work, then every huntsman here has been advised to handle a weapon that produces fire." He explained.

"Good, at least you are thinking a little straight." Ironwood said with a sigh. "So where do you plan to go from here?" He asked again. "I believe she is to be the next maiden." Ozpin answered shocking the General greatly. "She is already dangerous enough and want to add onto that wave of madness!!" Ironwood shouted in disbelief.

"You know the enemy General. Even with all her strength, Ruby hasn't tapped into a single bit of her silver eyes, I'm hoping if we manage to give her a soul with magic potential, then maybe she can channel them." Ozpin calmly explained. "Even so, we don't know what it would do to her. She isn't exactly a normal human." Ironwood reasoned. "Well, we only have one person who can allow us to find out, don't we." Ozpin spoke with a cheery smile.

"Ozpin... Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Ironwood asked in concern. "Nope." Ozpin said whilst picking up the remote to control the intercom. "Could Ruby Rose please meet me in my Office. I repeat, could Ruby Rose please meet me in my Office." Ozpin said spoke out to the whole school. "And now we wait for the girl in question to arrive." Ozpin said whilst sitting back in his chair. "This could either be the end of us, or the chance of a new beginning." Ironwood muttered.

*Ding* Turning to the opening elevator, they were both slightly confused when Glynda walked out. "What can I do for you?" Ozpin asked. "I am here on behalf of Ruby, she is in an unfortunate circumstance that will be rendering her... Unavailable, for the foreseeable future." She explained. "Why would that be?" Ironwood asked making Glynda sigh. "We believe she is going into hibernation to, Moult? or shed into the next state of her dragon form." She explained making Ozpin sit forward in his chair. "Continue." Ozpin told her making her stop and think.

"That is all I know." She answered making him look at her sceptically. "Alright. Then you may leave." Ozpin told her. "What did you need Ruby for?" Glynda asked making Ozpin and Ironwood side eye each other. "I was going to explain to her about the war she is fighting in. And then ask her if she wishes to be the next Fall Maiden." Ozpin admitted. "Sir! What if that had some sort of negative repercussions!?" She asked in anger.

"She is the perfect person to be the next guardian of Remnant." Ozpin countered. "What about Pyrrha?! Weiss?! Quite literally anyone else because then we will at least know what might happen!" She argued back. "Glynda this will be her decision when she wakes up. She cannot be sheltered from the truth, especially with her powers she already has, this is just us giving her an extra push." He explained sternly with a glare.

Silence briefly encased his office. "Fine." She responded through gritted teeth before leaving through the elevator.


Six days since starting the moult

"How long is she going to be out?" Weiss asked staring at the sleeping Ruby. "So far she has been under for six days." Ironwood told her, for now ignoring the depressed Yang and sleeping Gore. "And from what Ozpin has read, the situation she is in could last twenty to thirty days. But it seems to be going well." He said, pointing out the fact that a lot of her right side had been replaced with a golden colour.

"Now as for you." He started whilst looking over to Yang. "What you did out there, even with what you have told us, was assault on a publicly innocent person." He said confusing them. "What do you mean publicly?" Blake asked. "Recent developments have told us that Mercury and his team are planning to destroy Vale and steal from this school." He explained making them go wide eyed.

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