A Monster at Beacon

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The only door in the interrogation room slowly opened, and in walked a man with grey hair, small glasses and a dark set of clothes. In one hand he had a plate of cookies with a large steak, a weird platter but one of importance, in his other hand he held a mug of warm hot chocolate.

He looked to the other two people who were on the other end of the interrogation table. "Ah, Ruby Rose, it's been some time since I've last seen you." he spoke, Ruby sat there, slack jawed and wide eyed, "Professor Ozpin." she said making Ozpin slightly chuckle.

"Yes, that's me, and I see your scale problem has grown." he said, Ruby looked at him with a slight glare, "It isn't a problem, it's actually helped me a lot." she said, Ozpin placed the plate down onto the table and kept his calm look. "I apologize if I offended you Ms Rose, but I assume you understand why I called it that." he asked.

Ruby slid the plate closer to her, grabbed the steak and threw it towards gore, whilst eating the cookies on the plate. "Yeah, yeah, you don't know what it is, I get it, I get it. I've only been told like a hundred times." he said, finishing the plate and pushing it away from her, "Is that all?" she asked.

"Ruby!" Glynda scolded, "Sorry, there's still some of the Frenzy in my system." she answered making Glynda sigh. "Anyways, Ms Rose, I want you to join my school." he said, making Ruby go slack jawed again. "Aren't I a year early for that?", she asked. "I believe I can make an exception for that, what's a year early." he spoke, he was sure she would take the offer. Who wouldn't, a chance to be invited to the prestigious beacon academy, it was too good to pass up.

"I'm good thanks." she answered surprising the other two people in the room. "If I may ask, why?" he asked, almost fumbling the words. "I wanna spend the last year at home with Gore, I wasn't gonna see him for another three or four years." She said, petting gore in the process "And I'm pretty sure you guys don't let creatures like Gore into the academy." she finished.

Ozpin thought for a while before talking back to her. "I believe we can make an exception on that as well, if taking Gore to the academy is what it takes then by all means." he said, the calm smile never leaving his face. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled out a scroll before handing it to Ruby, "I believe this is for you, it was found at the scene of the crime with a note attached to it that said 'For Scales.', I can only assume it was for you.".

Taking the scroll, she looked through it, it was hers and everything was unchanged, the only difference was there was an unknown number with a single message, 'speak to me when you can scales'. she looked back up to Ozpin.

"Thank you, didn't realise I lost it. And if Gore is allowed to come then I'll take you up on the offer to come to Beacon." she said, "Good choice Ms Rose, and you can now leave if you so wish, a bullhead will be called for you." he told her, she stood up and Gore followed behind her as she walked to the door, "Thanks but you can leave the bullhead, we can get back by ourselves." she said, walking out the door and leaving the two by themselves.

"Are you sure that was a good idea Professor?" she asked. "When have I ever made a bad decision Glynda?" he asked back with a smirk on his face. "I don't know sir, but I'd say the one that caused all this was a pretty bad decision." she answered, gaining a smirk of her own as she watched his drop. "Walked right into that one.", "That you did sir. That you did."


A week later, in the forest surrounding the home of Taiyang Xiaolong, a decent sized tree house was hidden amongst the leaves. Inside laid a sleeping Ruby who was tucked under Gores wings, the area was spacious, enough for Gore and Ruby to be together without much problem, a bed in the corner of the room, big enough for one person, maybe two if they were really close to each other, a small night stand next to it.

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