Jaune, The Bunny Faunus And The IceCream Girl

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Mornings are never pleasant, and of course Ruby hated them. Yet this one felt different. Her head never worked properly in the morning, everything was always fuzzy. This morning wasn't any different. Noticing that it felt like she was holding something, she brushed it off thinking it was Gore. That was until her face contorted in confusion, 'Gore isn't that small anymore.' Slowly opening her eyes her vision was blocked by platinum white hair. Lifting her head off the pillow she looked at the person who she was holding.

'Why is Weiss in my bed?' She questioned. Stopping herself when she saw the railing and the top of the ladder. 'Why am I in Weiss' bed?'. Leaving it alone she looked around trying to find the clock. 07:34. Dropping her head back down onto the pillow she fell straight back to sleep. Yang was the next person to wake up around half an hour later. Seeing Ruby's bed still empty she couldn't help but smirk. Waking up Blake she got changed before walking over to Weiss' bed.

She poked her in the nose and watched as she scrunched her face. "C'mon Weiss it's quarter past eight. Lessons are soon." That was all she needed to say to get Weiss up and awake, or at least she tried to before she was brought back down by Ruby. Still not awake enough she just patted Ruby's arm trying to wake her up. "Ruby wake up we got classes soon." she said grabbing her arm to get Ruby to let go of her. Ruby groaned but rolled over anyways. Not being able to get back to sleep Ruby just groaned again and sat up.

Tiredness was very evident on her face but she battled through it in favour of climbing down the ladder. Her hand slipped from the top of the railing making her fall but her wings just spread out slowing her fall. She landed and walked over to the bathroom like nothing happened. "We all saw that right?" Yang asked staring at the closed door. "Yeah, she has wings she used the wings." Weiss said looking for her uniform, "Where is it?" she asked herself looking through her draws.

Looking back in the draw she usually keeps her uniform in she couldn't help but notice it looked messy. This was definitely not her doing. Looking around the room she noticed the edge of a blazer underneath Gore. Walking over she looked down at the sleeping dragon. Tapping her foot repeatedly on the floor she saw a tiny smirk start to form on the dragon's face. "Ohhhh, I know you know what you've done. Now get up, I need my uniform." she said down to Gore, instead he just shuffled around trying to get more comfortable. "No, get up. C'mon please I need my clothes." she said starting to get a slight bit annoyed.

"Ruby how do you get Gore to move!?" she shouted to the girl. "Bribe him or something!" she shouted back. Looking down at the dragon she kneeled next to his face. "C'mon can you move I need to go to classes so I can help Ruby." Seeing him slightly tilt his head in her direction, she mentally smirked. "So can you help me?" she asked again and this time Gore slowly got up and off her clothes. Scratching his head, she smiled at him "Thanks Gore."

Ruby walked out and looked at her team. "So, we ready?" she asked the group. "Yep."


Glynda Goodwitch's class was all about Combat. And right now, Team RWBY and Team JNPR were watching Jaune fight Cardin. Or at least Cardin was beating up Jaune. He was currently out of breath, his sword dug into the ground. Cardin on the other hand was completely fine, standing tall and laughing at Jaune's weak display. "Come on." Jaune said under his breath. Running forward his sword raised high. He swung down and missed his target. Turning around he saw Cardins mace heading towards him. Raising his shield, he attempted to block it but instead he was sent flying to the edge of the arena.

Getting up and rushing forward with a yell he tried to swing his sword down again, and all Cardin did was raise his mace handle blocking the strike. Pushing forward he managed to overpower Jaune "This is the part where you lose." he said staring Jaune down. "Over my dead- huggh" he started but was interrupted by Cardin kneeing him in the chest. Jaune now on the floor in pain he looked up to see Cardin preparing to bring it down onto him.

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