"Beacons Best and Brightest"

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A less lively street of Atlas, the soon to be battleground of Teams JNPR and CFVY against a single Ruby Rose. Some might call this overkill, some might call it unfair. Yet to Ruby and her white haired spectator, all this was, was a simple hurdle. Which unfortunately, was made up of friendly faces. But they didn't seem to be backing down.

"You guy's really gonna go through with this?" Ruby asked with a sigh, stretching in the process and spreading her wings to try and deter them if even a little. "We have a mission Ruby, I hope you can believe me when I say I am sorry." Pyrrha answered, a small look of hesitance on her face as she readied her weapon. Ruby stopped her stretches and stared each of them down. She nodded her head before disappearing from their sight.

They couldn't even react, and she was gone. They quickly scanned the area before seeing her next to Weiss who had decided to sit at one of the outdoor tables of a café, patting Velvet on the head along with putting Roman's hat on her head, the bunny girl looked confused and a slight bit scared. "Don't go wasting your pictures on me bunbun, just sit this one out." A soothing tone to her voice as Velvet slowly nodded. "Now that that's done. Time to deal with you lot." She told them, stopping for a second as she adopted a thinking pose. "Hey Weiss. Pick a number between 1 and 5!" She called out.

"Are you really doing this now?!" Jaune asked in disbelief. "Three." Weiss called back. A grin appeared on Ruby's face as she reached behind her and pulled out her glaive. Connecting the two sides and spinning it around a few times. "Alright guys, you best hope you're either good at blocking or dodging, cause I am taking the field." Her wings spread up into the air as far as they could, managing to resemble a golden star that reflected a blinding light in their direction.

Each of them flinched as the rays of light attacked their eyes. Her semblance activating as she dashed towards her first target, Yatsuhashi. Startled by the sudden appearance of the dragon girl, he held his blade in front of him in an attempt to block whatever attack she sent. But the glaive hit the top of his weapon, and even with his brute strength, his weapon was sent barrelling to the ground with her glaive on top keeping it in place.

She jumped up and pushed off her weapon before roundhouse kicking him. Not expecting the attack, he let go of his weapon and stumbled away, his aura already flickering slightly as it attempted to heal the bruise left on his face.

Ruby quickly pulled her wing up, blocking the sudden onslaught of bullets that were pelting at her. Ripping her glaive from the ground, she spun around to get momentum before throwing her weapon in Coco's direction. Immediately after, she ducked under Fox's attempt to sneak up on her, grabbing him by the back of his shirt and slamming him to the ground, a small crater forming around him with dust picking up.

Suddenly jumping up, she kicked down mid descent slamming Yatsu's blade into the ground before grabbing him and throwing him towards the recovering Coco. She watched as they crashed into each other with a weirdly satisfied smile. A sudden loud voice attacked her ears as she held her arm up and turned them to claws. "TAKE THIS!!" A strong force connected with her blocking arm as she skid across the ground towards the fallen duo, and coincidentally, her weapon as well. But not once after the attack did she sway or falter.

"Y'know Nora. A surprise attack is supposed to be... well a surprise. So maybe screaming isn't the best option." Standing normally and flicking her wrist a bit, she grabbed her weapon from the ground and stared over at the surprised Nora who slowly looked down to her weapon. A noticeable dent on the flat head, exactly where she hit Ruby. A nervous smile appeared on her face as she dropped her weapon.

"Sorry?" Was all she managed to say, it came out as a question, mainly because she didn't know if it would work. But when Ruby appeared next to her and pulled her into a hug, she couldn't help but relax. "Don't worry, I'll get Ren to make you pancakes when you get back." A hungry smile quickly overtook Nora as she started to imagine the stacks of fluffy disks that Ren would make for her. All before everything went black.

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