Messing With The New World

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"Now hold on, you expect me to believe that you are from another world?" Roman asked genuinely confused. "See, I told you, you wouldn't believe me." Ruby said whilst throwing her hands up in defeat. Red grabbed her hand and put it back on her head making Ruby continue to head pat her.

"Well, what do you have that could make me believe you then?" Roman asked intrigued. "Alright, let's go over what you told me." Ruby said confusing him. "So, you took Neo in from the streets, sorry if that's sensitive." Ruby said whilst looking over to Neo who just waved her off.

"You and her were dragged into this by Cinder and her lackies when you got a call from, I think Junior." She said confusing team RWBY. "What's Cinder got to do with this?" Red asked. Ruby sighed before trying to explain. "You got a picture of her?" Ruby asked as Red started to go through her scroll.

"Anyways, you and Neo have been trying to think of an escape plan to get away from her. But it's been getting increasingly difficult ever since you got sent to Jail." Ruby said before getting interrupted by Weiss. "I knew I forgot something! You were already captured and supposed to be in jail!" She shouted as everyone looked to them. "Ignore her." Roman said as everyone went back to their things.

"I know I'm supposed to be there but as you can see I wanted to talk with Neo!" He whispered over to her. "That isn't a reason to break out of jail!" She whispered back. As the arguments continued, Red slightly showed Ruby her scroll. Ruby slowly put her finger over Cinder's face covering her eyes.

Red looked confused before her eyes grew wide. "She's the lady who broke into the CCT Tower." Red said with a gasp. "That would be the one." Ruby said as Red's eyes stayed wide. "How didn't I notice that?" She asked in shock. "Relax, you're a kid before everything. You can't notice everything, you can't save everyone, it's a thing that you're gonna have to learn." Ruby told her as she looked up innocently.

"But what if I want to save everyone?" Red asked as Ruby smiled softly. "No matter how much you want to, you just can't. You just need to save as many as you can, and make sure you put your closest ones first." Ruby told her. "That's how I live." She added as Ruby looked up in determination.

"You two done?" Ruby asked whilst looking over to Roman and Weiss. "Tell the little Ice Queen to shut up and sit down then." He said with a glare. "Fine, Weiss be quiet. Roman, whether or not you want to believe me, I am from another world, and I do want to help you. You and Neo are two of my closest friends at home." She told him with concern written all over her face. He sighed before slamming his head down and giving up.

"Fine kid, what you got?" He asked as Ruby moved in her seat in excitement. "Okay, so we can go with what we did at home, which was go to Ozpin." Ruby told him. "Let's call that plan B. You got another one?" He asked making Ruby look wearily around at Team RWBY. "We could uhh....Y'know." She said before gliding her finger across her throat making the others go wide eyed. "To Cinder." She slowly finished.

"Ruby!!" Weiss screamed in shock. "Whaaaa? I didn't say you had to do it." She argued. "That doesn't matter, I know that you were thinking about it now." Weiss told her. "Hey, hey, hey. In this line of work you gotta expect to have to...y'know." She said before making a wrapping motion and pulling. "I like you." Roman said with a smirk. "And now you have a criminal complimenting you." Weiss said with a defeated sigh.

"Fine, whatever, that's plan C. We still need a plan A. You can all throw your ideas into the pot here." Ruby said as they all tried to think. "What about just disappearing?" Yang asked. "Thanks blondie, if only I thought of that." Roman sarcastically told her. "Oh yeah, and what happened?" Yang asked.

"We stayed away for just about a month and then Cinder and her posy knocked down the door and burned the place to the ground. You wanna know where I was?" He asked her with a slightly deranged look. "Menagerie." He said shocking them all. "How did you last in Menagerie?" Blake asked confused. "I think you totally missed the point." Roman told her.

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