Chapter I: 1995 Pt. 1

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A woman stood in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D building, her brown curls brushing by in the slight breeze. Green eyes holding a blank stare as if she wasn't seeing what was right in front of her, but something completely different. She wore average clothes covered by a long trench coat to protect her from the harsh chill that the wind brought her. A walking stick made of Vibranium was tapping along the black top in front of her as she made her way to the front door of the building.

Many stared at her, confused as she entered. Civilians were not authorized to enter and they were curious how she got past the entry gate which was guarded and needed an authorized thumb print to even enter. Many walked over to her, trying to ask her how she got in or what she needed. Not listening to anyone who tried to stop her from walking up to the receptionist.

"I'm here to see a Mr. Nicholas Fury please." She spoke with confidence that made it seem like she belonged there. Her green eyes seemed to be focused beyond the actual woman at the desk, but when the receptionist saw the shining walking stick she didn't judge or question the woman.

"I'm sorry- but we don't allow civilians into the building unless it's a extreme threat or new employee." She spoke back. The blind woman raised her perfectly shaped eyebrow at the woman. She knew it wouldn't be easy to see a man who just worked behind a desk most of the time.

"I do believe he will want to speak to me." She told the woman. "You could say there is an upcoming threat that could result in the end of half the world as we know it." She added in a slight whisper, as if she was speaking of a secret between friends.

"I'm sorry but I can have Mr. Keller speak to you. He is the Director and can help you better." The brunette shook her head. Getting a bit frustrated, but no one could tell by looking at her. Her emotions hidden behind a smile.

"Is something going on over here?" The brunette smiled at the familiar sounding voice. Turning towards him but never focusing her eyes on him.

"Agent Phil Coulson. Lovely to make your acquaintance. My name is Kendra Fennick. I would love to take up some of your time along with your partner Mr. Fury." She spoke to the clueless agent as if she knew him. It threw him off when she addressed him by name. He knew he had never seen this woman before.

"Like I told you-" The receptionist tried to speak up, but was stopped instantly.

"I can take it from here, Ms. Martin. Thank you." Phil spoke up, interrupting the receptionist. Kendra continued to smile as she waited for him to speak to her. "Please, Ms. Fennick, come with me." He spoke directly to her, noticing the walking stick and offering his arm as the gentleman he clearly was raised to be. "Allow me to escort you to Fury's office." Kendra held her arm out to him, allowing him to weave her arm with his and start walking towards an elevator. The dinging of the doors opening before they walked forward and the doors shut. The elevator filling up with some catchy soft tune that would be annoying to most, but soothed Kendra's aching mind. "May I ask how you know my name?" He questioned. Kendra nodded.

"You may." She spoke with a playful smile. Trying to pull of an annoying joke but yet Phil chuckled, as she continued to answer his question. "It's a very long story that I wish to speak with both you and Nicholas about. I'm sure you will both be extremely interested in what I have to offer you." She told him, leaving him to wonder what she was going to tell them. Kendra seemed to know something. Like she was holding all the information in the world. The way she stood tall and proud, confident and ready for anything. It amazed Coulson. He couldn't tell if she was actually blind though. Usually the blind had faded eyes, like their eyes were clouded and layered with some kind of film. And yet, Kendra had the most vibrant green eyes. Almost like they glowed with the greenery of the forest.

Once the elevator opened, Coulson escorted Kendra down the hall. She could hear the murmurs of people talking about her as they walked. They were confused why an average woman was walking the halls of Shield. Once they reached a door, she walked in ahead of Coulson, using her walking stick to feel around carefully.

"Hello Nicholas." Kendra greeted the man that sat at the desk. Her eyes looking straight ahead, but past him.

"My name is Fury. No one calls me Nicholas, Nick, Nicky. Just Fury." He responded to her as Coulson walked in behind her and helped her to sit in a chair. "Now tell me, who are you and how is it that you know me?" Kendra let out a small laugh as if there was a hidden joke in his question, but no one understood it.

"Well, Ni- Fury. Oh no, I believe I'll stick to Nicholas." She mumbled after saying his preferred name, shaking her head as if it tasted nasty in her mouth. Fury huffed but allowed her to continue, too curious in knowing what she had wanted. "My name is Kendra Fennick. Call me as you please, I do not mind nicknames or such. But I am here to warn you." Fury stared at the woman who had just sounded like she was about to threaten him. His hand reaching to the drawer to his left so he could have his secret gun in hand in case. "Please don't grab your gun. You think a blind woman would attack you? Sounds a bit Mad don't you think?" Her eyes still looking forward, not even acting like she had seen the gun. Fury froze, releasing his hold on the gun as Coulson closed the door for some privacy before he sat down next to Kendra.

"I hardly believe you are blind. You can't be completely blind and still see my gun." Fury accused. His obvious distrust showing strongly.

"I'm not blind, Nicholas. I see all. The past, the future. I can see everything- and yet nothing at all." She spoke as if she was crazy. Like a riddle was embedded in her sentence and Fury and Coulson both were trying to figure it out. "But enough about me. Somethings coming this year. Something that is going to change it all. I have a list here for your initiative." She said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a slip of paper.

"A list for what? What is coming? Quit with the riddles and tell me why you are here." Fury demanded slamming his hands on his desk in frustration. He was not one for the way she spoke. Everything seemed like a puzzle coming out of her mouth. Kendra's smile dropped as did her head as if she was in thought.

"A list for your hero's. This year will bring you a new look on life. You need to be ready. A woman will be here in a month or so. She's a good person, but she needs help finding herself again. Coulson, you need to stay close, follow your gut. Do not trust anyone." Kendra spoke before standing up, ready to leave. Fury stood up as well as Kendra placed the list on his desk.

"Hero's? You are talking about superhero's? Are you crazy?" Fury asked as he walked over to her. Kendra held out her walking stick, tapping the ground three times, as if she was preparing for something.

"Is anybody truly crazy, Nicholas? My number is at the bottom of the list. Call me when you believe me and I will be there to help." With that, Kendra turned around, pausing for a moment, her head turned slightly as she spoke. "Also, watch out for Goose." She added before turning her head back to look ahead before she walked out of the office. When Coulson and Fury went to follow her, they found she was gone. Vanished from the building.

"Did you see where that woman went?" Fury questioned a man who was in a cubicle across from his office.

"What woman?" The man questioned as if no woman had ever been in there. Fury huffed out a sigh in frustration before walking back into his office only to see Coulson looking over the list.

"Steve Rogers is on this list." Coulson said as he read over the list. "Also Tony Stark."

"Steve Rogers died back in the 1940s. That is impossible." Fury told him as he walked over to look at the list. It was a list of names plus years, some even had locations. Probably the years he would find them. The first one on the list though was;

Carol Danvers (Also known as Captain Marvel) - 1995 Blockbuster

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