Chapter XVII: God of Thunder

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Kendra had gone back to her cell that night. It had a bed and she wasn't ready to go home just yet. She had decided to stay in her cell for a bit, waiting. She hoped that Odin would come to her, ask for her help. But atlas, that was a bit farfetched and would never happen. Instead, a few weeks of being stuck here, a young prince had decided to show himself.

"So you are the one causing the drift between my family?" Thor questioned as he stepped in front of the force field. Kendra snapped her head up with a smile.

"Thor- what a wonderful surprise." Kendra greeted as she sat up from her position of laying on the floor.

"Is it really a surprise? From what I hear you are some great Seer!" He exclaimed. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle with excitement of the unknown. Probably because Kendra was Midgardian. Thor had a fascination with the worlds outside of Asgard. Rightfully so, since everything was so different and he never got to see it.

"It's not, thought I would humor you some." Kendra grinned towards him, although Thor noticed her eyes looking beyond. Something he thought was so neat.

"Can you tell me my fortune? Tell me- do I become a great King? Maybe even gain more realms in my lifetime." Thor encouraged. Kendra frowned, shaking her head at him.

"You become king. But not the way you want to. I don't think you will like your fortune, Thor." Kendra tried to deter him from his potential. Knowing it wasn't something a bratty god would want to hear.

"Tell me. I wish to know the knowledge you know." Thor demanded, stepping closer to the force field.

"Thor! You are not supposed to be here." Frigga spoke as she came into view. A scold on her face pointed towards her son. Thor grinned bashfully towards his mother, but Frigga turned towards Kendra. "I am here to collect you as my husband put so thoughtfully." Kendra stood up, grabbing her walking stick.

"Oh goody. Thought I'd have to pay him another visit in the middle of the night." Kendra teased with a wink before tapping her stick on the ground and jumping through a sparkling hole in the ground before reappearing behind the two Royals. Thor gasped dramatically before cheering.

"A witch!" He cheered out. Kendra rolled her eyes.

"Why do people always associate portals to witchcraft?" She whined causing the Queen to giggle. Thor blushed crimson in embarrassment. "Not a witch, but I'll accept the other one...what was that a Seer? I could go with that." Kendra said proudly before walking forward.


Kendra was led by the Queen and Young Prince to the throne room where Odin sat waiting.

"Leave us." Odin ordered as Kendra rolled her eyes and made he way to stand before the annoying king.

"As you wish my dear." Frigga said, but Kendra could hear the slight annoyance for her husband. This only caused Kendra to smirk to hold back the laughter. Thor and Frigga left the room together.

"How may I help you, your royal highness?" Kendra questioned, letting her head bow as the words came out drenched in sarcasm. Odin narrowed his eyes at the blind woman, annoyed at her very being there. But Frigga had spent a week scolding him for as she put it having a narrow mind.

"Tell me, Seer. How do I fix this....potential problem of ours?" Odin questioned. But even Kendra could hear the difficulty in his voice. Taking responsibility of the problem at hand was something she knew he probably wouldn't accept, but didn't mean she wouldn't try to push it on him.

"Well, you see, Odin. Your problem can be solved by actually training Loki to be King. Send Thor down to Midgard to find himself. A bit of Eat, Pray, Love-" Kendra laughed a bit. "He is not worthy yet to even carry that hammer you destined him to carry. He relies on it way too much, don't you think? Is he the God of Hammers now?" Odin scoffed at my words, but nodded.

"Thor will be banished." He agreed, ignoring the rest of the words Kendra had said.

"And Loki?" Kendra pushed. Her eyes seemingly looking at Odin, but flicking away occasionally.

"Loki will never be king." Odin declared. Kendra sighed, angrily.

"Oh but you are wrong there, Odin. Loki is the rightful King of Jotunheim. You can't take that from him. And once you die, your son, Thor will take your crown only to give it away like trash to a Valkyrie." Odin let out an angered sound, standing up aggressively.

"YOU LIE!" Odin shouted as he stormed to stand in front of the Seer. His harsh breath hitting Kendra in the face as she grimaced at him.

"Odin, I recommend that you back off and maybe grab a breath mint." Kendra muttered lowly in threat. She didn't enjoy anyone trying to look down at her. Odin stood still, trying to intimidate her before he backed off slightly.

"My son would never throw his crown away." Odin seethed.

"Let me show you then." Kendra smirked. Her hands shot up before Odin could react, pressing her fingers to his temples and sending the vision into his mind, forcibly. Odin took in a harsh breath as the memory played before him. Kendra watched the vision play before her as well before being thrown backwards fro Odin. Forcing a vision into someone was something that would end in being thrown off of them in the end. But Kendra knew Odin needed to see this. Knew he needed to see what his Son does.

"You dare touch me?!" Odin shouted, before snapping his fingers. "GUARDS!"

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