Chapter LIV: Everyone has a Bit of the Devil

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After Kendra explained to Peter Quill what to be on the look out for and who he had to meet, he went on his merry way. Of course he did assist her in destroying the Power stone. He got to do the slashing of the sword this time, which he apparently loved. This one was also less explosive. Kendra believes that Power Stone was less explosive than Aether because it wasn't a pressurized liquid form.

Now Kendra was exploring a new location. She was in New York, but not where she normally was. She was in Hells Kitchen. The location of her next venture into saving the world. Here she stood in front of Nelson and Murdock Attorneys of Law. Newly opened. And newly acquired. She walked up to the newly rented building with her walking stick, opening the door slowly.

"Can I help you?" A man asked as he watched the woman walk in. She grinned at him, knowing he just saw her as another blind person- since he didn't know who his friend even is.

"Foggy, right? The Nelson half of the Murdock?" Kendra questioned, causing Foggy to nod before agreeing verbally.

"Yeah- how did you- Can I help you? We aren't completely open quite yet-"

"Is Matthew in? I have some personal matters to discuss with him. You know-" She winked at him with a smirk. "Blind person to blind person." Foggy blushed a bit, nodding before speaking up again.

"Yeah- he's in his offic-"

"I've got this Foggy. Can I help you Miss-?"

"Kendra. Please, just call me Kendra. Matt Murdock propped his door open, allowing Kendra to walk into his office before closing it behind her.

"Do I know you, Kendra?" Matt questioned the woman. The woman who apparently knew his name without knowing him. He listened carefully to her heart beat. Heard the walking stick. Could smell the otherworldly smell on her- as if she wasn't from around here. Could even hear the blood pulsing in her brain. He could hear the-

"You will. I know who you are- Jack Murdock's son. Not that I knew him- Sorry for your loss, by the way. From what I've seen he was a great father-"

"A father who was aligned with the wrong people. But you are not here to discuss my father. What do you need?" Matt interrupted as Kendra sat in a chair.

"I am here to help you of course. Isn't that obvious? Hell's Kitchen is vicious. I can help you go the right way-" Kendra stopped as she heard someone coming into the office. "Maybe help that person, but you need to go assist a Ms. Karen Paige. She'll be your greatest ally in the end." Matt stood up as he tried to figure out the woman who sat before him.

"And what do you get out of this?" He questioned with curiosity.

"A bit of help when the time comes." Kendra stood up, placing a piece of paper on his desk with a phone number on it. "There's a war coming, Matthew. Are you ready for it?"


After leaving Nelson and Murdock, leaving Matt Murdock even more confused and conflicted than before, she headed in a new direction. New York City was huge. And it seemed most hero like people lived in a circle together. And yet they had no idea! Knocking on a cardboard plated door, she waited. Listening to the sound of someone trying to get out of bed, possibly. She smiled as the door opened.

"Jessica Jones? Right?" Kendra questioned with a grin. Jessica looked at the blind woman in front of her, confused. Her face screwed up in absolute confusion.

"And who are you?" She questioned as the woman made her way passed her and into her office/apartment.

"Possibly your new best friend. No wait- That title belongs to Trish Walker." Jessica went to grab the woman only to be deflected by the walking stick. "Try not to attack the new comer. It's rude." She told her smartly before making her way into the office area. "So tell me- has Killgrave made his appearance again? Or am I early?"

"How do you know Killgrave? Did he send you here?? Is he back???" Jessica went into a rant of questions, fear kicking in and causing her flight to knock into gear.

"Well, I suppose not yet. I haven't the pleasure to meet him quite yet. Hopefully I won't meet him at all. That man is not fixable- too much childhood trauma for me." Kendra told her as she propped herself onto her desk. "Anyway. I'm here to offer my services. I just left Hell's Kitchen and knew I had to meet you next. Maybe give you my number so I can lead you the right way."

"Why would I need your help?" Jessica asked her, confused.

"Because I see the future. And Past. Hence, how I know of your past with Killgrave and your future with him. Don't worry- you do get him eventually."

"Your shitting me. What kind of whack job are you??" Jessica laughed as she grabbed a bottle of alcohol from her side table.

"The kind that can help. And who are you calling a whack job? Aren't you the super strong woman in this room? Or did I come to the wrong place??" Jessica raised her eyebrow at her. "By the way- bar guy you took photos of last night- sexy, right? Luke Cage. If you could pass my message to him as well. He's invincible or something. Really cool."

"You really are insane." Jessica muttered as she stared at her. Kendra shrugged at her, nodding.

"Probably. But I have a war to prepare for. And you would make a great addition to it. Many die if we don't win the first time."

"And how do I know you are legit?" Jessica asked her as Kendra got up. She placed a piece of paper on her desk with her phone number.

"Well when Hope's parents come here in-" She pretended to look at her wrist before laughing at her own joke. "Probably an hour- try thinking back to your one month anniversary." She told her before walking around her to leave. "Give me a call when you figure it out." With that, Kendra was gone. Leaving behind a very confused Jessica Jones.

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