Chapter XLII: Balance

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Kendra waited a few days before starting her mission. Steve had decided to hang out with Bucky until she returned that night. though, Kendra knew they would both be given a mission soon. Hydra had been send their new version of the Winter Soldier out a lot and she had seen Fury worrying about it. But Kendra knew when they would find the new soldier.

"Ms. Fennick." Bruce greeted as he watched the woman walk through a sparkly gold circle portal. "I wasn't expecting you anytime soon."

"Well now, where would be the fun of you expecting me? That's more my job." She joked with a laugh. Bruce shook his head with a smile. "Any news on the Cradle?" She asked, not wasting any time. Bruce sighed before walking from his spot over to the metal case that held The Vision.

"With Tony being gone- it's not coming together as easily. And we don't have a source of power-"

"I'm taking care of that today. I'll get the Mind Stone to you." Kendra interrupted. She walked towards the cradle, hearing where Bruce had moved to. Her hand held out and grazing over the chic metal casing. "Have you gotten Dr. Helen Cho? She will be able to assist while Anthony is gone." Kendra told him as her eyes were flicking around. She could see how Vision would become alive- how he would help protect the world. A smile grew on her lips as she watched his life unfold before her very eyes.

If everything went as planned, he would live. Wanda Maximoff would be happy as well. That was the goal. Kendra wanted everyone to be happy. No matter what.

"Dr. Cho is on her way from Shield in Washington. The trip takes some time." Bruce told her, chuckling before adding, "Not all of us can create portals in time." Kendra laughed, shaking her head.

"True, I suppose."

"I wish you would explain it to me. Learning how you create the portals would change a lot for us." Kendra raised her eyebrow at him.

"Like how you tried to recreate the Super Soldier Serum?" Kendra asked causing Bruce to cringe slightly. "Sorry. I know it's a sore subject. But you do find a way to become one with the big guy. If that makes you feel any better." She offered, causing Bruce to let out a huff of air.

"How is that? He is all about destroying things and taking out his anger on the world." Bruce explained. Not agreeing with the future that Kendra has seen for him. All he's ever seen the Hulk do is destruction. No good could come from him- even if he did help save New York not long ago. To Bruce, he belonged in the lab and thats it.

"You just have to learn Balance." Kendra told him, holding her walking stick in the middle to display a scale. She grabbed two fuses that were sat next to her and carefully placed one on each end. "Balance your anger out. Spread it evenly and you'll have a balance between your lives. But-" She moved one of the fuses and placed it next to the other one. Bruce watched as her walking stick tilted over, causing both fuses to clash to the ground. "Keep all the anger to one side and it will come crashing down. Like in Harlem."

Bruce moved his gaze to the woman, a bit shocked at her way of seeing things. Also shocked by how she could balance something like a fuse on a thin walking stick. The way she spoke and demonstrated,  she must have a lot of balance herself. It was refreshing for the older man.

"Anyway-" Kendra spoke up again, holding her walking stick correctly again. "I should get going. Mind stone to retrieve and all. Not to mention a set of amazing Twins to recruit."

"Of course. I'll be waiting for you to return." Bruce said as he watched as Kendra made a new portal to wherever it was that she was going.

"On contrary, Bruce, I'll be waiting as well." Kendra said with a light and airy laugh before walking through the portal. Bruce shook his head laughing. Watching as the portal closed with gold sparks flying.


Kendra ended up going back to her apartment, deciding it would be best for help on retrieving the stone and the twins. With Hydra being on full guard with Winter Soldier being with the good guys now. She just had to wait for their return from Shield.

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