Chapter XXVII: Allies and Assistance

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No matter how many times the future is changed- it will always find a way for certain things to happen. The Battle of New York was what brought the Avengers together. It was what made Tony Stark into the hero he is. Made the Hulk out to be a hero instead of a chaotic monster. Brought the Tesseract to Earth. Turned Kate Bishop in to the girl who wanted to be a hero.

A tragedy that brought so much to the world would never be able to be skipped over just like that. Kendra knew this. But waiting for the other shoe to drop was nerve wracking. She couldn't do anything but wait for the vision to pop up. And when it did, she was glad to know she had a team together for it. She had the allies to assist with it. Which is why she was now standing on the Rainbow Bridge of Asgard.

"Lady Kendra." Heimdale greeted, his golden eyes seeing the woman appearing. "Prince Loki is in his training right now. But I'm sure that he will be excited to see you again, though not after you tell him why you are here." Kendra frowned. Heimdale truly did see everything, especially when it pertained to the safety of the Nine Realms.

"I'm sure you understand. Loki is the only one who will know how to fight them." Kendra told him in which he nodded.

"I'll have Prince Thor escort you." Kendra smiled at the thought of Thor. He had stayed on Earth only a few days. Met Jane and Darcy, along with Selvig. Learned to expand from his spoiled Prince persona. And Kendra even spoke too him about the Guardians of the Galaxy. They intrigued him and he was currently searching for them so he could join them in their travels of the Galaxy's.

"Thank you, Heimdale." Kendra said before using her walking stick to step out of the building. She knew partially where to go, but she didn't expect Thor to be there already waiting for her.

"LADY KENDRA!" Thor shouted in excitement as he came up to her and hugged her tightly. Kendra relaxed in Thor's large arms, letting him twirling them around in a tight embrace. He was forever grateful for her insight in his future. Knowing he didn't have to be what his father wanted him to become, it was a huge relief. And it was thanks to this woman in his arms.

"Hello Thor." Kendra smiled as he released her, holding her arms to make sure she didn't stumble from being spun around.

"What reason have you come back here? I didn't think I'd see you until the realms clashed like you said-"

"I need to speak to your brother. Midgard is being attacked in 24hrs and we need his expertise and your assistance in the fight." Kendra explained, keeping her voice in a friendly, yet professional tone. Thor stood up straight, going into a warrior type mode.

"Well then let's not waste another second!" Thor exclaimed as he grabbed a hold of Kendra's arm, guiding her- dragging her along the bridge. It felt like it took no time at all for Kendra to make it to in front of the palace. The feeling of being here again was intense. The last time she was here, she was thrown into a cell not once but twice. Thor shoved the doors open, walking with confidence as he pulled Kendra with him.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Odin stood up from his throne. Loki and Frigga were nearby having a chat. Finishing up whatever they were doing. "This Midgardian was banished!" Odin exclaimed, upset that he was not followed by Kendra.

"Father, please. Lady Kendra is here for help." Thor explained, rather calmly which shocked just about everyone. Loki stroll over to them, keeping his shoulders back and seeming arrogant.

"I'll take care of this, father." He announced as he showed Thor and Kendra out of the main Palace room.


"Enough. I'm not up to hearing your voice right now." Loki sneered towards Thor. Kendra rolled her eyes as she heard the brothers huff at each other. No matter how much you fix a relationship, brothers will still bicker and fight. "What is the help you need, Kendra?" Loki questioned as he turned towards the woman.

"Frost Giants are coming to Midgard." Kendra said rather simply. Loki and Thor both shared a look before looking back to Kendra.

"What do you mean?? Why would Frost Giants attack Midgard?" Loki questioned.

"They are working with Thanos. Trying to find the Infinity Stones." Kendra explained, cringing when she added the part about Thanos and the stones. She knew that they both would freak out in some way.

"Thanos? The Titan?"

"The infinity stones?!" Loki and Thor both questioned at the same time. Kendra hummed with a nod.

"Yes- the Great War we are all preparing for is the great Purple Titan who likes sparkly rocks." Kendra huffed. "Now can you help me with the Frost Giants? I'm working on the plan with the dumb titan." Kendra questioned, her eyes moving around a bit before focusing on beyond Loki.

"Uh yes. I suppose I could assist with the Frost Giants. Shall we then?" Loki questioned as he held his arm out, only to grab Kendra's arm and weave it with his own.

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