Chapter LXIII: 60 Seconds

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Sixty Seconds. That's all it takes for someone's life to change forever. It could be the simplest of things- like finding out you got an A on that paper you studied for. Or finding out you were accepted into your dream college. Or maybe you just found out you were pregnant after trying for so long. Your life could change just like that. Finding out someone you love died, or getting into a car accident. Sixty Seconds. That's all it takes.

The battle between Thanos and Earth's Mightiest Hero's seemed to be moving in slow motion. Kendra was in the middle of it. The stone around her neck was what everyone was fighting over. Vision stayed high in the air, using his laser like powers to deter them from Kendra. She knew what she had to do. She knew what was coming. She took the stone from her neck, holding it up into the air as Stephen flew by with his cloak, grabbing it from her hand. His eyes holding what seemed to be pity for the woman.

Steve ran over to stop a hound from attacking her. His eyes watching as she held the hilt of the sword to him.

"What are you doing??" He demanded, confused. He was fighting with his shield and Thor had a weapon made for him. Something that Kendra set up. Kendra turned to face Steve. Her face calm.

"No matter what happens. Aim for the head. Use the sword." Kendra told him quickly. It seemed she was fighting against time. Her eyes flicking around like crazy as she watched the vision in front of her. Steve eyed her, his hand taking the sword- dropping the weapon Thor had made. Only Thor or Steve could lift it, so it wasn't a worry. Kendra smiled at him.

"You're not telling me something." Steve spoke in a raspy tone. Panting from the fight. "What aren't you telling me?" Kendra grabbed his face, kissing him gently. Steve was frozen. He felt like he knew what was happening. But he refused to acknowledge it.

"I love you, Steve Rogers." She told him. "I will find you again. Not me- of course. A different me. I will always be by your side. Even if we fight." Steve stared at her, confused. Tears in his eyes as his brain knew, but he was still denying it. He refused this. No. He would not believe that this was happening. That this is what she was hiding all along.

"You lied. You can see yourself." He spoke. It seemed everyone was fighting around them. Making sure they had their moment.

"We don't have the time. Aim for the head." Kendra repeated as she shoved him out of the way. Thanos barreled into her. His aim was Steve- seeing as he was the one who was to be feared. But Kendra jumped in front of him. Taking the hit of the Titan. Kendra knew Steve was destined to die. Both times he did in the future. But the original timeline had him come back when Thanos used the time stone to bring Vision back. This timeline was different. She knew it.

Sixty Seconds. Steve watched as Kendra hit her head on a boulder. His eyes not wanting to leave her face that flooded with pain.

Fifty-Five Seconds. Tony landed near Kendra to try and help her- also to hide her from Steve. He needed to focus.

Fifty Seconds. Steve turned his eyes to the purple Titan. A smirk on the titans face as he scanned his eyes over the blind woman.

Forty-Five Seconds. Steve watched as Thor ran at Thanos, his new Stormbringer weapon hitting Thanos in the chest.

Forty Seconds. Thanos laughed out.

"Should have gone for the head." He sneered as he went to throw Thor across the ground.

Thirty-Five Seconds. Steve ran at him, sword in hand as he sliced through Thanos' neck. A loud yell sounding throughout the air.

Thirty Seconds. Thanos' head lands on the ground, rolling away from his body.

Twenty-five seconds. Steve drops. The sword, no longer able to fight, running over to where Tony protected Kendra.

"" Steve muttered as he dropped to his knees in front of Kendra.

Twenty Seconds. Kendra smiled, turning her face to Steve.

"You are tr-truly a work of art." She breathed out. Her breathing coming out in gasps. Steve stared at her shocked.

"You can see??" He questioned, almost afraid of the answer. If she could see...did that mean her aneurysm burst? "No. Where's Strange?? He can help." Steve tried.

Fifteen seconds. Kendra grabbed Steve's hand.

"Stop. Let me enjoy the si-sight bef-ore-" Steve shook his head, placing his finger over her lips, shushing her.

Ten Seconds.

"Don't waste your breath- you'll be have to be.." He muttered. Steve could feel the need to cry- but it was like he couldn't. Like his brain refused to cry in front of her. By now, everyone was surrounding them. Thanos' army leaving in fear after seeing their leader fallen. Bucky was staying strong, knowing his friend was dying, but his other friend needed this moment more than him.

Five Seconds. Steve watched her eyes look around.

"Everything is so beautiful." She breathed. Steve smiled, nodding in agreement. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her chapped lips. Feeling her movements stilled.

"I love you, Kendra Fennick.." Steve finally said as he watched the light leave her eyes. Her once vibrant green eyes that resembled the most beautiful of rainforests- now dulled. His forehead connecting with hers as he cradled her face. Tears finally breaking from his ocean eyes. Sounds of sorrow echoing throughout Wakanda. Kendra had just ran Out of Time


Sixty seconds. Thats all it takes for your life to come crashing down. For you to take a final breath. For you to see what life really looks like.

Did you count? Sixty seconds. Don't waste it.

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