Chapter V: 2004 Pt. 1

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The time went by as Fury spent the time searching for Steve Rogers and finding the team that Kendra had put together for him. He had a group searching in the frozen arctic for the Captain, nonstop. It caused him uneasiness to not hear from Kendra in the time it has taken though. Nine years of not hearing from her. But then again nothing has really happened between now and then.

The Hydra secret agents were caught when Fury and Coulson came together to search through the Employee lists. Running random background checks. Very thorough. The amount of spy's they had found was insane and left them both unsettled at the thought of possibly missing anyone.

Now being in the middle of 2004, Fury found Clint Barton at a circus show. His skill of archery and flexibility he had was remarkable. Fury was curious what made Kendra point him in this direction, but he was glad he had listened to her. Clint Barton was the definition of a potential Hero. He was trapped in a life he didn't deserve and wanted to do good. Fury wished he could have found him sooner.

Fury was currently on his way to his office with Barton. Needing to fill out paper work for a new mission he had for him. Fury had been trying to track down these Black Widow women that Kendra had mentioned on the list. Clint Barton was the key to getting her and he wanted tot try his best to get to her sooner rather than later.

"You know- your security in this building is very easy to get past." A voice captured the mens attention. Clint moved quick to attack the person only to be knocked down by a stick sweeping under his feet. With a loud thud and grunt, Clint landed on his back and went to get up but stopped when he noticed the silver walking stick pressed to his chest. A dainty hand holding it there as his eye moved up the arm to see a young woman. Green eyes looking straight ahead as if not bothered to actually look at her victim. "Attacking the blind? How cheeky of you Clint Barton."

"Wh-" Kendra tsked at him, hushing his question as she turned her head in the direction of Fury.

"You've been busy, haven't you?" She asked with a smile. Fury always felt a bit unsettled by her smile. The things she had seen would probably stir depression in anyone and yet she smiled through it all. He was curious how she did it. How she kept herself grounded throughout the worse visions.

"You would know, wouldn't you?" Fury spoke with slight humor in his voice. Kendra let out a slight laugh, shaking her head as she removed her walking stick from Clint's chest.

"Please refrain from attacking me again, Clint." Kendra spoke as he stood up slowly, rubbing his lower back as if the fall had actually hurt him. Clint looked between Kendra and Fury, his mind putting the pieces together.

"This is the woman you spoke of??" Clint asked, his face contorting into confusion and realization. Fury nodded at him with a sigh. Watching as Kendra's smile turned more into a smirk.

"You've been speaking about me, Nicholas? How scandalous of you." She spoke with a slight laugh, before turning towards Clint with a smile. Moving her free hand near her face in a sign for hello to him, shocking him. "My name is Kendra Fennick." She said as she also moved her hand into spelling her name for him.

"You know-" Clint started, shocked that she was using sign language with him. It wasn't necessary, but it such a polite and respectable thing for someone to do.

"You'll come to learn that there isn't many things I do not know." She laughed. "But please remember, I'm blind and cannot see if I'm doing it correctly." She reminded him, which kind of made this all the more amazing.

"You are doing it well- did you know how to sign when you had your sight?" Clint asked her, in which she shook her head no.

"I learned from my visions. Perks, I suppose." She smiled. "So then-" She turned to face towards Fury more. "How close are you to finding the Captain and Natalia?" She questioned as Fury moved towards his desk, noticing how she seemed to follow him. Probably from listening to the movement.

"That's why we are here. Clint has a mission for a potential Black Widow." Kendra nodded in thought. The future has changed quite a bit since she came into Fury and Coulson's lives. Kendra hummed in thought as she wondered about the missing Captain. She had noticed that Fury was indeed close to finding him. It kept changing as if he would come close to him and turn the wrong way.

"The Captain should be more south than where your men are." Kendra told him as if it was common knowledge. Clint snorted at Fury's face which looked shocked that she had just told him where to look. Most of her dialogue was puddles for him to decipher and yet she had just told him what direction. "I should be going now. You have my number for when you need me." She said as she moved around Clint to get to the door.

"Wait." Fury spoke up, pausing her movement to get away. Kendra turned her head slightly, waiting. "How do you do it? The disappearing act?" He asked. Remembering to ask the question that had been bothering him for a while. She always seemed to just disappear, like she wasn't actually there. Which Fury was starting to wonder if she was actually there.

"Now that, Nicholas-" She said with a smile, "Is part of the act." With that she turned to leave once more, only stopping when she remembered one other thing. "Also, you forgot a spy or two." She told Fury.

"Who?" Fury demanded, needing to know who he had looked over so carelessly.

"Brock Rumlow and Alexander Pierce." With that she walked out of the room. Clint went after her to see she truly does just, disappear. Fury stood ther shocked at the new information. He was suspicious of Rumlow, but Pierce was the leader of the organization. He would have to figure a way to pull him from his position without it being too odd.

"She's really something isn't she?" Clint spoke up causing Fury to look at him. "I didn't think she would be able to lay me out like that so effortlessly." Fury let out a slight forced laugh.

"Maybe you just need to train harder, Barton."

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