Chapter VI: 2004 Pt. 2

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Sight is a funny thing. People worrying about how they look or what they are wearing. But what they don't realize, there are four other senses. Five senses all together. Sight, Hearing, Taste, Touch and Smell. Sight and hearing are the most popular of the Five. Since those are the ones you usually experience first. Tasted Smell and Touch are the least popular but the most favored.

Sight, the way to see things. It's powerful, no matter what you are seeing. The present day view is the most popular sight. But Kendra couldn't see that, obviously. Sight can be a scary thing though. Seeing the potential future of the world, the past of what once was. The present was the only thing that most would see, not being able to stomach so many potentials all at once.

Hearing, the way to perceive vibrations into sound. Something that a lot of people end up losing from either abusing the power or from some kind of unfortunate event. Listening to music too loudly, getting into fights- even something as tedious as cleaning your ears. So many ways to lose it. But, if you got to keep it it was a gift. Hearing your loved ones telling you they love you to hearing your baby's first word. A magical thing that people abuse and cherish at the same time.

Taste, the sensation of flavors exploding on your tastebuds. When you think of taste you probably think of food. Sweet, bitter, salty, spicy, sour- ect. You know that tastes. But what about the taste of other things? Like when you kiss your significant other. The taste of blood in your mouth when you get punched in the face by the bully in your life. Not to mention the things that don't even have a taste but somehow make one themselves. The taste of Jealousy. Guilt. Fear. Embarrassment. But thats just the bad tastes. The love. Excitement. Nervousness from your big day, like a wedding, first day at your dream job, first date with your possible forever love.

Smell, The sense of catching flavors with your nose essentially.  This sense is similar to the Taste. You have so many different smells to absorb and most you probably don't even want.

Let's skip down to the final sense, Touch. The feeling of holding someone's hand. Your lover lightly trailing their fingers up your arm while staring down at you lovingly. Down to the feeling of stepping on a Lego and feeling like it's the end of the world. But that's the thing. There's more to feeling. Feeling can heighten all the other senses. Feeling the texture of food before you taste it. Feeling love, hate, pain or joy. Feeling the vibrations of someone talking or walking near you. It is something you can use to make up for the things you don't have. When Deaf, you feel for vibrations of music to be able to enjoy it. Blind, you feel around or use a walking stick to feel for where you are going.

That's Kendra's most used sense. Her walking stick was made of Vibranium, a vibration absorbing metal. She could feel when someone was coming up to her even if she couldn't see them. Hydra actually had it made for her before she had help in escaping from them. It was the one thing she was thankful for from them. Thats the thoughts she was having when she heard someone in her apartment. Kendra stood outside the apartment door, listening in as she heard someone sit down on the creaky sofa. Lifting the walking stick up so it wouldn't click against the wood and alert her intruder of her presence.

That was something that was in favor for Kendra. She had the training of a spy and being blind made her be able to be as silent as possible. When she got to the living room, she inhaled. Catching the scent of Cuban Cigars and Polo aftershave. She let out a breath before revealing herself.

"You realize this is Breaking and Entering." Kendra spoke as she slid her coat off.

"It's only breaking and entering if I broke something to enter." He spoke back as he looked at her. "You should really lock your door."

"Only need to lock it if someone even knows of this place." Kendra retorted smartly. "So how did you find me, Nicholas?" Fury let out a low chuckle, shaking his head.

"Do you really need to ask? Here I thought you knew everything." Fury told her. Kendra laughed, rolling her eyes before they flickered to the side. Spotting something. "I wanted to tell you in person that we found him. We found Steve Rogers." Fury announced like it was the best thing in the world. Kendra smiled towards him, nodding as her heart beat quickened.

"That's wonderful." Fury stood up, confused.

"You alright?" He asked. His concern actually shocked Kendra. In all of the visions she had seen, she had never seen him show concern for anyone.

"I'm alright." She nodded, tearing her eyes from the scene before her, trying to not focus on it.

"I came to ask if you would help us break it to him when he wakes up." Fury questioned, watching Kendra react to something he could not see.

"No thank you." She refused as her eyes flicked back to the couple dancing in front of her. His blue eyes not looking at her but the brunette he held in his arms. His future being clear.

 His future being clear

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