Chapter XV: Frost Giants Rage

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The thing with Lying is that there are different forms of it. Keeping the truth from someone in fear of their reaction or others reactions. Blatantly telling someone something that is absolutely not true- whether something small or something big. The white lies that turn into something so much more. Lying about something as little as if you look fat in a dress to something bigger like your whole identity.

"Watch how you speak to us boy." Odin scolded as he narrowed his eyes towards Loki. His eyes looked over to the woman, not knowing who she was and not enjoying being left out of the loop like this. "Who is she? Why is a Midgardian here??"

"She's here to deliver the truth. Unlike you. So what am I? A deal gone sour? A way to make yourself look better to the other realms?? Hmm?" Loki questioned out in rants. Odin kept silent, letting him continue his rant. "ANSWER ME!"

"Loki-son.." Frigga trailed off as Loki shot her a look of hurt.

"Don't. I am not your son." Loki seethed. Kendra grabbed his arm gently.

"Queen Frigga has done nothing but love you, Loki." She told him softly. The Allfather and Queen almost didn't hear her. Loki sighed in frustration, nodding his head slightly.

"She still lied- kept my identity from me. The truth to why I never felt like I belonged. Why I was treated so differently to Thor. Why I am ignored by my supposed father." Loki tried to stay calm, but his skin turned blue in anger, Kendra quickly releasing his arm in knowing.

"You're right. I'm not your father. You are a Frost Giant. A runt of the liter. I took you from your true fate. Saved your life and this is how you repay me-" Odin decided now was the time to release his anger of being snapped at. But Frigga shook her head at him.

"Enough. Loki, we were going to tell you. When the time was right." Frigga commented. Loki had tears pooling in his eyes. Sad and afraid. Afraid that he would turn into the monster that he truly was. The beast that parents told their young about to make them stay in bed at night.

"When the time was right." Loki repeated in a huff. "And when would that be? When I turned blue in front of the whole kingdom? When you aknighted Thor as King? Maybe then I would learn the truth." Odin slammed his hands down.

"ENOUGH!" He exclaimed in agitation. "I demand to know where you learned about this." Kendra took this as her cue to step forward.

"That would be from me, Odin." She spoke so confidently that even Loki gasped at how she blatantly said the Allfather name. Like she was his equal. Odin narrowed his eyes at the young woman, spotting the silver walking stick and letting out a rude laugh.

"A blind Midgardian is your source? How benevolent of you." Loki scoffed at Odin, rolling his eyes without a care.

"May I inform you, Odin- I am actually the one being as you put benevolent." Kendra spoke up, stopping Odin from his rude laughter at her apparent disability.

"How so? What makes you so special?" He questioned in disgust. Obviously assuming she is nothing more than a piece of scum on his boot.

"Contrary to disbelief, I see much more than you do. More than you're protector Heimdale out there- hell, I could tell you storys of your tomorrow year- or if you prefer your yesterday Saturday." Loki let out a snort at her riddling words. Frigga also smiling as she felt the power floating around this woman's aura. She knew when she entered that she was more powerful than what her exterior showed.

"Please- go on. No more riddles. Tell me my fortune, Midgardian Seer." Odin scoffed in reply. Still thinking she was a jester for show. Kendra smiled, stepping forward with a raised eyebrow.

"Might I warn you of your future? Lonely and dark. Led by nothing but lies and unfather like characteristics. Keeping one child's identity a secret leads to not only your worlds destruction but the worlds of many. Blatantly degrading your true son and causing a drift between yourselves. Not to mention your only daughter- banished with the intent of revenge." Kendra didn't even flinch as she heard the shocked sounds from Loki and Frigga. Odin slamming possibly a staff in anger.

"ENOUGH!" He demanded. "Lies. Nothing but lies from this scum. I want her thrown in a cell. Alone." Loki moved to stop the guards from grabbing her, but stopped when she shook her head.

"It's quite alright. I will go willingly." She answered to them gently with a smile. "But may I request some pudding? It was a long journey here and I could use something sweet." Loki snorted at her calm demeanor which seemed to only anger Odin more. With that, Kendra walked with the Guards to the bottom of the palace where the cells were, locking her up. Not thinking anything of it when they left her her walking stick. A curtesy. But also, stupidity.

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