Chapter X: She's A WITCH

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The one thing that really was taking over the world was Quitters. People who give up on something like a hobby or chore; or in this case a challenge. Steve was still trying his hardest to get Kendra's walking stick, trying different strategies as he did so. Attacking her, distracting her, even went as low as pretending to give up. But nothing. He couldn't lay a hand on her and it was rather frustrating. Clint said something about how embarrassing it was to underperform. That made Steve flush.

But Kendra was actually beginning to get bored. A vision walking it's way into her sight, distracting her. She stumbled back as a gun barrel was pointed directly at her head as she ducked to avoid it, forgetting momentarily that it wasn't going to hurt her. Steve got her walking stick, tossing it to the side as he grabbed her instead. Holding her close to him in a calming way.

"Kendra? What is it? What's wrong?" Steve asked as the others came over quickly. Kendra shook her head slightly as she kept watching the vision. Bucky was the one holding the gun. He was nearby. This vision is in the next hour from what it seemed.

"What did you do?" Clint asked as he kneeled next to them. But Fury knew what was happening. Her vibrant green eyes flicking around, trying to see where she was. Get any detail she could get.

"I didn't do thi-"

"She's having a vision. Must be a new one." Fury stated, stopping Steve from getting upset for being accused. Steve looked down at her before she blinked. Closing herself out of the vision. "What is it?" Fury asked as she pulled out of Steve's arms, everyone but her seeing the look of slight hurt when she did.

"I need to go." Kendra spoke as she stood up, holding her hand out for her walking stick which Coulson handed her.

"You can't just leave-" Clint tried but Kendra poked him in the chest with her walking stick causing him to shut up.

"I have some place to be. And I need to find it before it's too late." She informed before moving to walk away from them. Steve jumped quickly, grabbing her forearm and stopping her. Before releasing as if realizing how rude it was to just grab her like that.

"You owe me a future vision. What did you just see?" He asked her in a slight demanding tone. Kendra turned her head towards him with a raised eyebrow.

"I owe you?" She questioned, reacting like she just tasted something that was bitter. Steve sighed.

"I got your walking stick-"

"Because I was distracted. That was cheating, Captain." Kendra told him before turning towards him and stepping towards him. "I didn't think you would be a cheater." Steve stood his ground as she stepped very close to him, not touching though.

"Not a cheater, Ma'am. I need to know though. You were afraid-" Kendra shook her head.

"The future is a frightening thing, Captain. I don't think you could handle it." Kendra challenged him. Steve took the tiniest step towards her, bringing him to gaze down at her as the tiny gap between them shrinked.

"I can handle a lot more than you believe, Kendra." Steve assured her, challenging her back. Kendra looked up, her eyes, for the first time, seemed to meet his. But Steve knew she wasn't looking at him. She couldn't. But he did stand there, admiring her forest green eyes that shifted in shades from the light.

"Bucky." Kendra breathed. Steve seemed to forget how to breath, his hands moved to her upper arms, gripping them tightly- but not painfully, as if he was holding onto the thought she was giving him. Afraid to let it go. "He's alive, Steve."

"He-no." Steve shook his head as he stepped back, releasing her. Kendra took this as an opportunity to step away from him as well, hoping to be able to leave so she could try to get to Bucky. He relied on her being able to bring him in. She didn't see any other way of getting to him. She knew things- knew she could help him. But if she didn't leave now- "Take me with you." Steve finally said. Kendra sighed, not knowing if it was a good plan.

"He's not- He's not himself, Steve. It's not the same Bucky you know." Steve shook his head at her.

"I don't care. I'm going with you." Kendra sighed, nodding.

"Fine. We need to go now." She stated. Not caring that Clint, Fury and Coulson were still there, she tapped her. Walking stick three times before glancing towards the group. "We'll be back. Keep looking for Natalia." She told mostly Fury, before dragging the walking stick in a circle against the gym floor. Gold sparks flying around where it was dragged before a hole appeared. Sparks flying causing the three to step back, wide eyed. Steve stared at it, shocked and confused. But seeing Kendra being calm, made him not afraid.

"She's a WITCH?!" Clint shouted as Kendra reached out for Steve's hand.

"Ready, Captain?" She asked as she felt his large warm hand grip onto her small petite hand.

"Always." He nodded as he stepped up to stand next to her.

"Don't be afraid. Jump." She ordered before the two of them jumped into the portal hole. Fury stared at it as it snapped shut after them. Clint and Coulson both amazing and shocked.

"She's a fucking WITCH?!"

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