Chapter XIX: Allies and Rulings

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Kendra stayed in the guest room for three nights before she was sent back to her cell. Odin knew but kept his mouth shut. Kendra had a feeling he was opening up to the idea of Loki becoming King. She was beginning to worry though since time went by differently than it did on her planet. It had to have been a year or so now since they last saw her. She watched in her visions as Fury had someone always watching her apartment. The moment that he had Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes staying there together was when she laughed randomly in the cell.

Bucky ended up following along with Steve to fix up her apartment. Something about how a Damsel should never live under those circumstances. Honestly it should have embarrassed Kendra to have her crush and one of her best friends see her living situation. But it was only temporary. Hiding from Hydra made her stay somewhere abandoned. Also, the fact that she didn't have any money.

Loki had come to visit her again. Kendra had the feeling he had felt a connection to her. Both have been in situations where it left them not knowing who they truly were. That was something she never thought about though. She remembered being kidnapped in the alleyway. But she couldn't remember her father. Possibly a side effect of the serum Hydra used on her. She remembered fighting the Hydra man- she was- she thinks she was on her way home. But now, thats all. That's what she told Loki at least.

"And you don't see your past or anything?" Kendra shook her head at Loki through the force field.

"I usually see through my own eyes or through an ancestors. But I haven't seen anything from my actual childhood except for moments in Hydra with Natalia or Bucky." Kendra told him.

"The Black Widow and Winter Soldier." Loki nodded. Kendra had been talking to him everyday it seemed. Becoming rather close in friendship. Which wasn't expected, since she was Midgardian. Something Kendra knew he hated in her visions. But this was the Loki before all of that. She was the one that had broken the news to him about who he truly was. And as Loki had put it, she had never lied or kept anything from him. She of course told him that Thor hadn't either. Thor was innocent in all of the family drama. Just a boy tied into the mess. Loki had began to see it like that, accepting him as his brother- even if they weren't blood.

"Loki?" Kendra questioned causing Loki to look up at her. He was sitting in front of her cell, cross legged. "When I get sent home- will you- can I trust you to help us when we need you?" She asked, stumbling slightly over her words. She knew it would be difficult to get Loki as an Ally. He hadn't met the purple titan yet so there was a possibility he wouldn't be afraid to help her people. Loki tilted his head at her.

"Was that why you really came here? Why you stayed?" He asked, wanting nothing but the truth. She nodded slowly.

"I needed to make sure you didn't get thrown out of your true future, but Midgard will need all the Allies we can get.." Kendra explained. Loki sighed, nodding slowly.

"Of course." He muttered, standing up. "I'll be an ally. But under one condition." She looked at him oddly. Unsure what the god of mischief would ask of her. "I heard that Frigga is going to die- I hear everything. Prevent it. Tell me how I can prevent it." Kendra sighed.

"I can't promise anything, Loki. But it's already changed. Your future changed hers. But that doesn't mean she won't still die. If the future demands it- it'll just change how it happens." Kendra tried to explain. Loki hung his head, he knew she was right. He hated it- but he knew it. The future can't be completely changed. Only altered. Kendra was already pushing the limits so much for her own world. Trying to prevent the world going up into smoke.

"I understand." Loki said, looking up at the woman. A guard came out causing Loki's hologram self to disappear quickly.

"Lady Kendra Fennick?" The guard spoke as he stood in front of Kendra's cell. She stood up slowly, nodding.


"By order of the Allfather Odin, you are hereby banished back to Midgard- banned from ever returning." The guard spoke all officially. Kendra's eyes widen as she stepped back. "You will be banished with the young Prince, Thor Odinson."

"What will happen with Loki?" She asked wearily. The guard smiled slightly, accepting her worries for his royalty.

"The young Prince Loki will carry out his royal training to become the future King of Asgard."

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