Chapter XXX: Futures

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Kendra stayed behind as the Avengers left the room to suit up and go fight. Loki and Thor going along with them to help. Steve and Bucky both wanted to stay behind, wanting to help Kendra with her errands. But Kendra made them leave, knowing this was something for her to deal with.

"Kendra?" Kendra jumped slightly when she heard Steve's voice as he re-entered the room. Her head turned towards where his voice came from. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He apologized, stepping towards her before his large warm hand landed on her upper arm.

"What are you still doing here, Steve?" Kendra questioned as she face him completely. Secretly enjoying the heat coming from his hand.

"I wanted to talk- alone- um-" Steve stammered, the nerves in his tone clear as day. Especially for Kendra.

"Captain?" Kendra questioned, trying to get him to say what he needed. Steve took a deep breath as he stared into Kendra's eyes. The little gold flecks in her green eyes making her look so much more magical than she already seemed. Kendra felt Steve's free hand move towards her face. His palm cupping her cheek. "Cap-Steve?" Kendra breathed, her breath hitching as she felt him lean closer. His hot breath fanning against her lips, the smell of mint being inhaled into her nose.

"I made the mistake once going into battle without admitting to how I felt." Steve started, his head tilting slightly as his forehead met hers. "I'm not making that mistake again."

"Steve I-" Kendra tried but she couldn't. She wanted to feel his lips on hers. Pushing the visions of him and Peggy back as far as she could.

"Tell me to stop if you don't want this." Steve breathed as he leaned closer. His hand left Kendra's upper arm, moving to weave his fingers into the back of her hair. "Tell me.." He whispered, his lips just hovering over her lips. When he spoke, his lips just barely brushing against hers.

"Shut up and kiss me, Captain." Kendra whispered back before Steve leaned the rest of the way- his lips meeting Kendra's in a heated kiss. Kendra stepped forward, her hands moving to rest on his shoulders as she stood on her toes to reach him better. Steve smiled against her lips as he leaned down a bit more, gripping her hair tightly to hold her in place as he moved his lips against hers. They both were feeling the heat from the short and yet passionate kiss.

But before it could begin to turn to anything more than a short kiss, Kendra pulled away from him. The vision of him and Peggy dancing pushing its way into her sight. The jazzy 40s music playing behind them as Steve laid his head on top of Peggys. Both smiling and happy.

"I-I can't." She muttered quietly. Steve stood there, staring at her as he watched her eyes look away from something. He could tell she was trying to avoid seeing something- but couldn't tell what.

"Why not? What is it?" Steve asked as Kendra stepped back from him slightly. "You know something. Tell me, Kendra. Please.." He pleaded with her as he stepped towards her slightly. Trying to make up for the space she had created.

"I- Steve, there are somethings in the future that are set in stone." Kendra tried to offer, but Steve wasn't accepting it. He wanted the true answer.

"No. My future is not set in stone- you said it yourself, you don't see your own future. What if I have more than one path?? Why won't you just let it be?" He complained. Steve had grown to like Kendra a lot. He even thought they had something great on the date they had gone on. Talking between the both of them- it was such a nice experience. He wanted more though. The feeling of her lips on his was another point to be made. It felt like they were perfectly made to fit with his lips.

"Because! You end up with Peggy Carter!!" Kendra shouted as she threw her hands up, turning away from him. She could feel the heated knot of sadness dropping in her stomach. Like her heart falling. Steve stood there shocked. Confused. Uncertain.

"No. N-no. She would be in her 70s or 80s now- I- that future is not even possible." Kendra closed her eyes, letting out a breath. He didn't say that he wanted her instead. He didn't say that it didn't matter. No, instead he mentioned how impossible it was. Like he was fishing for how it would be possible.

"You find a way back to her." Kendra said as she let out a breath and stood up straight, turning towards him as she grabbed her walking stick off the desk. "Now please. Suit up- go win the Battle of New York." She told him calmly, showing nothing but her forced confidence. Steve stared at her. His expression dropping as he realized how he reacted. How he should have reacted. He screwed it up. Sure- he was interested in the possibilities of his future with Peggy. But he was already believing in his future with Kendra.

"Kendra-" Steve tried but was interrupted.

"Steve, we gotta go." Bucky said as he poked his head into the room. His steel eyes darting back and forth between the two. Knowing he had just stopped something. But the Frost Giants were starting to show up so he had to pull Steve. Kendra heard Steve let out a sigh as he nodded. Once he had left with Bucky, Kendra let out a loud sigh. Clearly unhappy, but not letting it show completely as she heard some kind of noise in the room.

"Kendra Fennick?" A woman's voice spoke throughout the room. "You are hereby arrested for the tampering of timed events and future occurrences." Kendra rolled her eyes, sighing again. She knew this was coming. But she also knew some other things that this other woman and her crew did not know.

"Well then, Hunter B-15 is it? Shall we?"

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