Chapter LXI: Stephen with a PH

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"So, you knew I was coming? Of course you did." Kendra smiled at the man.

"Are you actually shock, or is it just an act, Stephen?" Kendra asked him as she sipped on her tea. "I'm sure you can't really be shocked anymore- at least learning from the Ancient One, I don't think you can be." Stephen chuckled, nodding his head.

"No, I suppose I couldn't be. But you are still a miracle in it self." He muttered, staring at her as he sat down across from her. "Why do I feel like I know you? Do you get that often? Maybe it's the face."

"Well- you do have the Time Stone now, right? Maybe you just saw me a few times in the futures you saw." Kendra told him, grinning. "Otherwise, you wouldn't be here- right?"

"I suppose not." He agreed, reluctantly. He felt like he knew her. But just couldn't place it. Shaking his head, he focused on the real matters on hand. "You do realize the future you have chosen to fulfill, right? The consequences you are agreeing with-"

"I understand them. What are you? An Agreement to Terms for me to skim over, say I read and instantly agree to?" Kendra joked with a light laugh. He laughed as well, knowing it did come off as that.

"I'm just making sure you know the outcome of this. If you do what I know you will do- it won't be the best outcome for you." Kendra nodded.

"I have plans, Stephen, that will make this outcome come out better." Kendra told him, simply. "So, tell me. Did you get a PHD so that you could tell people that you are Stephen with a PH?"


Kendra ended up making a trip to Asgard after a month. The war was coming fast and she had to make sure everything was in place. She knew that her changes for them would prevent Ragnarok. Hela's banishment was tied to the life of Thor and Loki. Odin passed away before she came to visit. Something about a betrayal within the guards. Something Kendra hadn't seen. Frigga was still alive though. But Loki was now officially King of Asgard.

Kendra was appointed the title of Princess whenever she visited.

But today was the day that Kendra wanted to destroy the Space stone. The stone that Odin had hidden within the Tesseract. Loki was told about it the day she came to visit him. Learning that she needed to destroy it before the war, which made sense. But he was afraid. The Aether caused an explosion, the others weren't as bad- but who was to say the Space Stone wouldn't explode?

The only other Stones still around were the Time Stone, which Stephen Strange was holding onto until Kendra deemed it time to take it to Wakanda. Vision was born already with the Mind Stone. The Reality Stone and Power Stone were long gone. That left the Space Stone.

Thanos would be showing up in the next few months. Kendra knew he would. He knew the stones were being destroyed. He knew that he had a race against time to get to at least one of them. Time Stone and Mind Stone would get him strong enough to destroy things alone. But if the Space Stone wasn't destroyed- Kendra didn't want to think of what would happen.

"You're not doing it." Loki told her as he walked her to the treasure room. This was the room that held any and all treasures that needed to be kept from the world. The Tesseract being one of them.

"It won't explode like the Aether, Loki. You are worrying over nothing." Kendra told him as she followed his footsteps.

"Is that what you said when you took that damned sword to the Aether? That it wouldn't explode?" He snipped back. He wasn't going to back down on this. He didn't want her risking her life like this. She shouldn't have to. Not for those mortals she called friends.

"You know- you really underestimate your own blood." Kendra told him with a smirk. Loki paused his walk, turning to her.

"You know something, don't you? You act like you are unbreakable. Like you know the outcome of all of this. I'm not an idiot- I can see it. I bet some of the others have noticed it as well." Loki told her, grabbing her forearm to stop her from trying to walk around him.

"What I know is that the Space Stone needs to be destroyed. Otherwise, some people who don't need to die- will die. So if you would." Kendra told him a bit harshly. She was afraid. She would never admit it. But she was. She had seen Loki's death a lot. As well as Tony's- Natasha's. Not to mention the fact that Steve had a chance at dying as well. But she knew somethings that the other didn't. And she couldn't tell them- she couldn't tell anyone. The only person who knew what was going to happen was Strange. And he wouldn't tell anyone or it would change.

"Fine. But don't come crawling to me when you end up dead-" Loki told her in all seriousness. His heart felt pain at his own words. the thought of his sister dying- He didn't even want to think about it. But he knew it was a possibility. Just like it was for him to die- or Thor. Or any of his people he considered important. Yes. Loki considered Thor and Kendra important. And he would never admit it to anyone.

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