Chapter XXIX: Snow

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Kendra stepped out of the portal along with Loki and Thor. All eyes snapping to them instantly before Kendra heard the easy footsteps of not only Bucky but Steve as well.

"You need to quit going through portals like that." Bucky scolded. He was worried for her safety when she left right after her vision. Not knowing anything that she saw other than Frost Giants. Which he had no idea what they were. "And maybe quit picking up strays." He scoffed as his steel eyes looked from Thor to Loki. The latter glaring back at the metal arm soldier.

"Theres our Eyes. About time you showed up." Tony Stark spoke up as he was holding a tablet that explained the people in the room. Clint was in a corner with Natasha, chatting. Bruce Banner was next to Tony as Fury and Coulson were to the side more. "What can you tell us? And who are these guys? They aren't in the database- well Blondie is now since JARVIS just hacked in." Fury let out a huff of annoyance at the genius billionaire.

"This is Loki Laufeyson. Soon to be King of Asgard and Rightful King of Jotumhiem blah blah blah-" Kendra introduced, trailing off in the introduction as she felt it was way to long. "But I believe you will call him Rock of Ages or Reindeer Games. Your pick, I suppose." She hummed as she stepped forward slightly.

"You take all the fun. I can feel it already. Fun drainer." Tony snarked with an eye roll. Kendra snorted, shaking her head.


"This is the almighty Earth Defenders team you put told us about?" Loki sneered, his green eyes looking from each member. Before he turned towards Kendra. "I thought you said this team was strong and well thought out."

"Well this isn't the whole team. But they will do for this Battle. I trust them to defeat those pesky Giants while I run a small errand." She moseyed over to the only window in the room. Placing her hand on the window to feel the temperature already dropping.

"Wait! You aren't staying?? I thought you could fight?" Tony remarked as he put the tablet down to step towards Kendra.

"You want a blind woman to fight Giants?" Bucky questioned. Kendra let out another snort at her friend. She could fight. Sure. She was trained to fight. But she had her own things to take of still.

"Also I am not an Avenger." Kendra informed smartly. This pulled everyone's eyes. Confusion filling the room from everyone.

"What do you mean? You brought us all together." Clint spoke up, stepping towards the group. "Not that I'm complaining. You saved me from a crappy situation."

"You pulled a lot of us from shitty situations." Bucky pitched in, earning a nod from Natasha.

"Yes, but I'm not an Avenger. I'm no hero. Just a Civilian who stands to the side guiding." Kendra told them, a smile growing on her face. "Like the writer of the story. I'm merely pushing you all to the right paths and trying to fix whatever timeline is supposed to happen."

"Well then, almighty Narrator. Tell us what to do." Tony spoke up.

"Loki here will tell you how to fight the Frost Giants. He's the professional I have." Kendra informed. Tony crossed his arms, not understanding how this grease haired man was to help them.

"And what makes him such an expert??" Loki smirked as his skin turned blue like he was freezing his skin slowly. His eyes turning into a deep blood red pit.

"Well, I am one- so I believe that counts for something." He said before turning back to his Asgardian form. Tony glared at him.

"Wait- so we are teaming up with Jack Frost here against his own kind?! How does that make sense?!" Tony exclaimed.

"I have an alliance with Lady Kendra here." Loki spoke up for himself. "Besides- I'm only half Frost Giant." He added with a slight head tilt. His eyes looked over to Kendra, scanning her face for a millisecond before looking back to Tony. "Will this be a problem?" Tony stepped towards him, threateningly.

"What if it is?? How do we know that the moment the Narrator leaves you won't try to kill us all?!" Tony demanded as he stepped too close to the God of Mischief.

"I suppose you'll have to trust me then." Kendra spoke up as her green eyes looked to Tony in annoyance.

"Yeah- I don't know if I can do that either. All you have done for me is basically call me selfish." Tony scoffed as he back away from the god and turned towards the woman.

"Am I wrong?" Kendra asked as she stepped away from the window and stepped towards the arrogant genius. "I'm pretty sure you put yourself first an awful lot." She said as her eyes looked past him, making a shiver run through him at her ghostly looking eyes that seemed to glow green. "Did you not claim the title of a hero when all you were doing was stopping the use of YOUR own weapons. Or instead of helping people make what you make- you made it worse. Made them feel small and useless. Because YOU wanted to be the only hero in a Metal suit." She kept speaking as she stepped towards the man, before she stood right in front of him. "If you want to be a hero so badly, Anthony. Then do it. Stop acting like a child and be a hero." Tony glared at her. Their line of sight being nearly equal as he was a shorter man compared to the Gods and Super soldiers.

"Only because you asked nicely." Tony replied sarcastically. Bucky was standing next to Steve trying not to laugh at the fact that the arrogant man had just been told off by a small woman. Kendra turned towards the super soldiers, a glare on her face.

"And don't think you two are off the hook. We'll speak later, after I return." Kendra told them, coming off as a mother about to ground her children. Steve and Bucky shared a glance before sighing. Bucky knew instantly what it was about. His past was creeping up on him the moment he recognized the little similarity's between Tony Stark and his parents. Steve knew somewhat as well. Kendra legit knew everything before they did, so they weren't even surprised. "It's snowing." Kendra pointed out. Loki stepped forward.

"It's time."

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