Chapter XXXIII: Cult

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"You really think she'll be here?" Mobius questioned as they stood in the middle of PomPei. The volcano would erupt soon and Kendra was currently running a muck up and down the strip. Trying the various foods they had and having a fabulous time.

"It's always a possibility. She can do whatever she wants without even making your little cult suspicious."

"We are not a cult." Mobius corrected, but Kendra just laughed, shaking her head at him.

"According to your knowledge, the TVA is a ran by three Keepers who wear cloaks. Recruiting random people to run things under them. You are tied to them. If you step out of line they will prune you." Kendra turned towards him with a raised eyebrow and a slight frown. "By definition, its a cult." She clarified. Mobius huffed as he noticed a cloak in the distance.

"I saw something. Let's go." He grabbed Kendra's arm before guiding her towards the Variant. Kendra stopped him though.

"Maybe I should speak to her. You know- Variant to Variant. Maybe we can exchange war stories or something. Might be fun."

"You do realize this isn't a vacation for you, right? This is a real serious thing. I can't let her get away- again." He explained, but Kendra ignored him, using her walking stick to walk into the tent that held Sylvie. "Or completely ignore me. That works too." Mobius muttered as he stood guard outside of the tent. Sylvie heard someone walking into her tent, turning around quickly. Her eyes widening slightly at the woman in front of her.

"Who are you??" She questioned, confused at why she didn't notice a TVA agent walking into her hide out.

"Oh, you know who I am. Don't you? Well- I'm not the one you know perhaps. But I'm sure you've crossed paths with another form of me. Maybe a male one? Ooo, have I been the Hulk before? Maybe even Iron Man?" Kendra tilted her head in thought. "Though, I supposed I could just be a normal person. But how dull would that be?" She yawned, stopping her rant and facing Sylvie. "So Sylvie, tell me. Are we friends in your world? Or had I not met you yet? Wait- you were a little girl when you were captured. Maybe you met me outside of your world then?"

"Stop talking." Sylvie huffed out. Clearly annoyed. "God, you are more talkative than your Variant." Sylvie rolled her eyes at her.

"Wait! So you have met me before!? Oh god, this is fabulous. Tell me- what was I like?"

"Annoying." She informed causing Kendra to clap. "How did you find me? I didn't think the TVA would find me anytime soon."

"Oh, I'm not with the TVA-" Sylvie raised an eyebrow towards Kendras jacket, which said TVA on it. "Ignore the jacket. It's rather chilly here." She laughed. Sylvie rolled her eyes again. "Ah- come on, Sylv. We can be best friends!!"

"I didn't want to be related to you- why would I want to be best friends with you?" Kendra froze at that. Snapping her eyes around, trying to see whatever Sylvie just said. "Oh, you didn't know?"

"We're related?" Kendra questioned, her heart seemed to have stopped beating- her brain trying to process the words she had heard.

"Sisters- although half. Seriously, how did you not know? Are you blind- shoot, wrong words, sorry. Although, you are my half brother in my world. And I am not related to you- a different you." Sylvie stated as she was moving around, packing up her stuff.

"Slow down." Kendra demanded, her tone had dropped from her normal teasing nonchalant range to a more strict and serious one. "Loki is my brother??" Sylvie stopped packing and turned towards Kendra.

"Oh god, you're stuck with a Loki? So sorry. But yes- but half. Don't forget the half. Our mother was a Mutated Asgardian. Lived a long time- although I believe she died after giving birth to you with that mortal man." Sylvie explained as she stepped towards Kendra.

"I'm half Asgardian? This- this is too much. I-" Sylvie grabbed Kendra's hand, trying to calm her down.

"You literally see the past and future, and this is too much for you?" She asked her. Kendra sighed with a small shrug. "It's okay- this Loki guy, he's an alright guy, right?"

"Yeah- that's why I'm here. I changed too much in my world. He's becoming a king." Sylvie looked at the woman shocked.

"He- really? How did you manage that?"

"Showed Odin what will happen otherwise. It was simple really." Kendra said causing Sylvie to laugh.

"Maybe you aren't as bad as my brother. Much better than Thor- thats for sure." She told Kendra causing her to smile. "Wait! You can help me- right? You know about the TVA. You know what lies they tell...Kendra- can you help me?" Kendra grinned towards Sylvie.

"I thought you'd never ask, Sista." Kendra chirped causing Sylvie to cringe before rolling her eyes.

"Don't call me that."

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