Chapter XXV: Not What, Who

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Kendra smiled as Steve weaved her arm with his as they walked. They had finished at the diner and had decided to walk the old streets of the small village nearby. They were enjoying the fresh air as they did walk until Kendra smirked and spoke up.

"So tell me, Captain." She started, causing Steve to glance down at her slightly. "Why didn't you just jump out of the plane?" She questioned. Steve's eyebrows furrowed, confused before it clicked in his head. She was questioning him about his past- when he took the plane into the ice. A blush ran up his cheeks as he felt embarrassed at the thought.

"I actually didn't even think about it. My mind was mainly on saving the day." He admitted to her. Kendra nodded with a smile.  "Besides- if I hadn't, I would have never met you." He smiled, thanking whatever god there was that he did get to meet her. So far, her teasing and independency was pulling him to her. Steve could admit he had a rather large crush on the woman who knew everything about him.

"Well then, I guess I should be happy you chilled out for a few years then." She responded back in a slightly flirty tone. They continued walking until they had reached a small bakery, Steve guiding her inside. They both ended up with a small pastry. Steve got a Apple Pie Cupcake- while Kendra got a Double Chocolate chip Muffin.

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They decided to sit outside in the patio section to eat their sweets

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They decided to sit outside in the patio section to eat their sweets. "So, Captain Steve Rogers. Tell me about yourself." Kendra requested as she pulled a piece of her muffin apart and plopped it into her mouth. Steve looked at her as she sat across from him in the iron garden chair.

"What do you mean? Don't you know all about me? You are the all seeing one." Steve pointed out as Kendra laughed, shaking her head.

"No. I know what you are. You are Captain America. The man who uses his body to cover a grenade. Saves everyone no matter who they are. The one who lied on his application for the Army, what? Five times?" Kendra questioned, not really asking him though. More so asking herself. Steve raised an eyebrow towards her. "I want to know Who Steve Rogers is. What made you who you are." She reworded her sentence causing Steve to smile at her.

"I've never been asked that before." He told her. Kendra continued to smile at him.

"Tell me about your mother, Sarah wasn't it?" Steve grinned at the mention of his mother. No one really asked him about his past life before. Only caring to know the hero part of him and not the real him.

"She was a nurse in the Tuberculosis ward-" Steve tried, but Kendra shook her head.

"I don't need to know how she died, Steve. Tell me about her. Was she loud? Strict? She raised you on her own, was she the type to have game night? Cook homemade meals?" Steve's grin grew as Kendra listed off questions. Her elbows on the table as she leaned over it to seem intrigued, even if she couldn't actually see him.

"She was sweet and loving. We used to play Monopoly a lot. Dominos as well." Steve said, recalling the memories of his mother. "I suppose she was where I got my hero persona from. She always was worrying about her patients, even if she was home." Steve smiled in thought.

Kendra was smiling as well as she imagined his mother. She had seen her death before. It impacted Steve's life greatly. It was actually how Bucky and Steve became closer. Bucky making sure to be there for Steve, keeping a promise from Sarah. She made him promise to stay with him on her death bed. It was sweet and sad all the same.

"She made the best roasted chicken with those little potatoes that are different colors and carrots." Steve added. His mouth watering at the memory of his favorite meal she used to make.

"She sounds like an amazing mother." Kendra commented. Steve nodded, finishing off his apple pie cupcake with a hum.

"She was the perfect mother in my eyes. Picture perfect. Like how they portray the perfect American picket fence families on television, she was like that." He explained further before shaking his head of the memories. He loved remembering her, but it was also sad- he would never see her again. "So why did you act so surprised when I asked you out? You didn't see it coming?" Steve asked, curious. Kendra sighed as her vibrant green eyes looked towards him, ignoring whatever vision was trying to push through.

"I don't see my own futures." She said quietly. Steve furrowed his brows, confused and in thought.

"What do you mean? I heard you mention it before, but why can't you see your own? Are you not in our futures? The battles-"

"I don't know." Kendra stopped Steve in his thought process. Her eyes seemingly meeting his. "Sometimes I think I'm seeing things from my own eyes. But then- I'm seeing things that I would never see normally. Like your future-" She stopped, shaking her head gently.

"You're not in my future?" Steve questioned, ignoring the fact that she was stopping herself from talking about it. Kendra huffed out some air, annoyed with herself.

"That's not important." She said sternly, but Steve grabbed her hand, stopping her from moving to get up.

"Kendra. It is important. Are you not in my future? Do you think something happened?" He pushed but Kendra shoved his hand away from hers.

"I don't know, Steve. I have never seen myself in the future or the past. Maybe that is the one thing I'll never be able to see." She told him calmly. Steve sighed, unsure if this meant that she wasn't in his future or if she just couldn't see herself. But he knew he probably shouldn't push it any further. He had already pushed her a bit too much and he knew it.

"So you really didn't see this whole date or anything? How did you fight me so well before?" He questioned, a bit embarrassed that he had such a hard time trying to take her walking stick.

"I might be blind, Captain. But I do have my other senses which work much better than yours." She teased as he helped her up and held her hand as they started to head back to her apartment.

"So what? You smelled me coming? Heard my heavy footsteps? Give me your secrets." He teased back, smiling happily as he saw she had relaxed back into her calmer state.

"Well you do take heavy steps. Like a giant." She laughed before nudging the Captain. "Tell me, Rogers. Did you come from a beanstalk?" She asked which caused Steve to crack up.

"If I came from a beanstalk, where did you come from?" He asked amusingly. Kendra looked to be in thought before grinning.

"I definitely grew up in a shoe."

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