Chapter XVI: Midnight Chats

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The feeling of being trapped is something that most don't ever endure. But a lot still do in different ways. Whether you are in prison or in a relationship where you see no out. It can happen for anyone. But give them the slightest shimmer of hope and watch as they dig themselves free.

Kendra smiled at the feeling of her walking stick in hand. Walking back and worth in the cell as someone brought her a chocolate pudding as she had asked for.

"Is what you say..Is it true?" Kendra snapped her head up from her sweet dessert at hearing the voice of the Queen outside of her cell.

"Your highness..Careful- I may be dangerous." Kendra taunted teasingly, causing her to let out a laugh.

"My husband can be a bit much sometimes." She responded as Kendra raised her eyebrow at her and shook her head in laughter.

"It is true. I rarely ever tell lies. Loki will be the downfall of many if you both don't take this seriously. So many lives at stake- including yours." Kendra informed, answering her question from earlier.

"Loki kills me?" Frigga asked, sounding hurt and broken at the thought.

"Not on purpose of course. He had a lot of anger in him towards Odin and Thor. Thor mostly for being the offspring of Odin." She told her.Trying to make her feel a bit better. "He try's to send the dark elves towards Thor and turns out you were where he thought Thor was. It's a whole ordeal." Kendra tried to explain, but cringed at how terrible it was.

"We'll fix this. I won't let my son destroy worlds from a tantrum." Frigga whispered before leaving Kendra alone. Kendra let out a hum before finishing off her pudding. Standing up and grabbing her walking stick to make her grand escape. Tapping three times before dragging it into a circle, Kendra disappeared out of her cell.


"How did you get in here?!" Odin demands, pulling his blanket over him since it was the middle of the night and Kendra had just appeared in his private Chambers.

"Magic, of course." She laughed, humorlessly. "You dont share your chambers with the Queen?" Kendra asked as she tilted her head slightly to the side. A smirk playing at her lips. "How scandelous."

"Do your friends know you lie about being blind?" Odin asked since he saw no way of getting her out. The Guards were in midchange for the hallway guard. So he had time to kill before he could get rid of her without doing so himself.

"Oh, but I am. Like I mentioned before, I see tomorrow and yesterday and never today. A curse with a hidden blessing, I suppose." Kendra nodded before smiling. "But thats not the point here. Hela is going to destroy this fine kingdom you have. And it's all your fault. If you banish your sons...Loki will find his own way of being King and thats with or without you. Might as well just train him to be accordingly. Prepare the Prince who actually ends up wanting to rule."

"Loki will never be King." Odin spat in dislike. "And Hela can only come here if I d-"

"Die, yes I know. I dont know why you act as if you are immortal when we all know you are not. You will die, Odin. At least, try to play nice with your children." Kendra warned. Odin shook his head though.

"And what of Frigga?? She is training the insolent brat." Kendra turned her head in sorrow.

"The Queen dies in a year or so." Odin sat up some at this prediction. His eye widening. "All because of the way you treat your adopted child. The guilt ends up on him. But you should be the one guilty. Its all your fault for how things go." Kendra let out a slight giggle making herself sound crazed. "I feel a bit like one of them Christmas Ghosts right now..." She turned towards Odin with a crazed look. "Change your present before your future catches up to you." With that she tapped her walking stick on the ground before a spark flew and she was Gone. Odin was still in bed so he only saw a slight spark of magic.

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