Chapter LV: Cat out of the Bag

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Kendra had to go home eventually, she knew this. She didn't want to face Steve though. She was gone all day. So he had to have talked to Wanda. So he knew she was back- probably knew what happened as well. She used a portal to get back to her apartment. It seemed silent. Maybe he was still out.

Kendra placed her walking stick down as she walked into her apartment. Letting out a sigh, she made her way into her room only to jump in alarm at a voice.

"Sneaking in?" Steve's voice echoed throughout the room. Kendra turned around quickly as she felt her senses clear up. Steve was sitting on her bed currently, arms crossed as he stood up to look at his girlfriend.

"Why do I feel like I'm a teenager being caught by her dad?" Kendra questioned, trying to distract Steve. But he wasn't having it. He walked up to her, grabbing her face gently and tilting it up to see her better.

"You were gone for nearly a week." Steve told her slowly, his thumb coming up to touch the bandage on her forehead. "Wanda showed up this morning and you didn't-"

"I had some things to take care of-"

"No! You should have come home. I was- I was worried about you." Steve cut her off. His voice full of worry and concern- but small bits of anger floated in and out of his tone. "I had to learn from Wanda that you caused an explosion! You were unconscious for three days."

"I'm fine thou-"

"No you're not. Don't lie to me. Not me." Steve told her as he ran his thumb over her cheek. Kendra sighed, leaning into his touch. "Wanda mentioned your fight with Loki-"

"It was just a bit of sibling bickering." She tried, knowing he would see past it.

"No. He wanted you to tell me something. What's wrong? Did something happen when you passed out? Or did you- what's wrong?" Steve asked, concern in his blue eyes.

"I- The explosion didn't cause anything." Kendra told him, causing Steve to sigh in relief. But he could see something else was going on.

"But something is wrong. What is it? Is it something to do with the war? Did you run into Thanos or something? Kendra talk to me, please." Steve pleaded. His mind full of nothing but panic. He could tell it was something serious. It had to be for Kendra to be putting off telling him so much.

"I have something called a nasal quadrantanopia." Steve stared at her, confused. Which Kendra could tell, since it was a large word.

"Nasal Quadran- what? What is that?" Steve questioned, voicing his confusion.

"Essentially I have an Aneurysm in my Optic Tract." Kendra told him. Steve tilted his head to the side slightly, processing this information. "It's what caused my blindness, not Hydra. One of the times I was hit- it caused a bleed which clotted or something. I don't know for sure- but-"

"You can have it removed. You could see again." Steve told her, filling in what he wanted to hear. "This is great- you'll be able to see again. Everything will be fine- you can get it removed."

"No, Steve." Kendra told him, causing him to pull back slightly. "If I get it removed- I could end up dying within minutes. Seconds even. I can't- I have to finish what I started-"

"So you'd rather risk your life-"

"To save the world. Yes." Kendra finished for him, having no hesitation what so ever. Like it was the clear choice in the matter. Steve stepped back from Kendra slightly, pain in his eyes at the thought of losing Kendra.

"Fuck the world, Kendra!" Steve shouted, obviously not being able to process it all clearly. Kendra flinched a bit, stepping back from the angry man.


"No! You don't get to pick and choose this. This is ridiculous. You are out here playing a God. You are NOT a god, Kendra!" Steve shouted. "You don't get to dictate everything that happens! You don't get to choose everything. Make every decision. You are a human, someone gifted with sight- but so idiotic!" Steve ranted off. Kendra felt the stinging in her eyes at him yelling at her. Disbelief in her mind that he would be this upset with her choice.

"If I could save the world, why shouldn't I? What would you do? Huh? Come on and tell me what the great Star Spangled Man with a Plan would do." Kendra fought back, her eyes watering. Steve stared at her in disbelief. "Aren't you the one who jumped on a Grenade to protect your fellow troops?! What would he do?!"

"That's different!"

"Why? Cause you're a big strong man? Well you weren't back then. Back then you were nothing. Just like how I was. And now here we both are, capable of saving everything and everyone." Kendra shot back before he could. Steve felt pain in his chest at her words. Was he really about to pull the sexism card on her? Was this what it was about? About her being a Dame in Distress?

"You could die, Kendra. You have people to live for-"

"I clearly don't." She muttered back, shaking her head, before walking out of her bedroom. Steve ran after her, clearly unsure of what she was doing now.

"What are you doing? You can't just leave-"

"Yes, I can. It's my choice. You can do what you want Steve. But I am not resting until I know everyone is safe." Kendra told him before grabbing her walking stick and walking right through the portal she had just opened. Leaving Steve behind in tears. All both of them could think at this very moment...

What just happened?

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