Chapter XX: Missions

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Shield was on the scene quickly. Kendra's notes for Fury helping him to place where and when the god of Thunder would show up. Jane and Darcy and Doctor Selvig being hired to work for the team on space and other worlds. Kendra clearly had thought everything through as best as she could.

Steve and Bucky were called to let them know she was found all the way over in New Mexico. A surprise to them both as they both made their way to the location in worry. Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff were currently off on a mission. Natasha was speaking to a Bruce Banner, having him accept the job of joining the team and being a scientist working with Tony Stark. Clint was currently looking for the location of a certain Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. A set of Twins that have been voluntarily working with Hydra to try and rid the world of Tony Stark. But they were simply misguided and needed to be apologized to extremely.

Fury had a long list of people to reach out to or find, but it threw him off when Kendra had placed down the Mutant School of Xavier on her list. Fury had never associated himself with that school, but he could see how Kendra would want them on our side, whatever side that was. Tony Stark, Pepper Potts and Coulson were currently headed there to speak to the director of the school, Professor Xavier.

So here we are now, New Mexico where Fury was having an area of the desert tented off and a medical team looking over Kendra and Thor. Thor had already freaked out, throwing people around only for Kendra to stop him.

"Enough with the Tantrum, Thor." Kendra huffed as she sat on her cot. Thor stopped with a sigh.

"Father banished me." Kendra shook her head.

"No he didn't. You need to find yourself. Once you are your true self- you will be worthy once more." Thor stood up, his eyes wide.

"My hammer! Mjollnir! Where is it!?" Thor demanded, seemingly not listening to anything Kendra had just said. Kendra stood up, standing in front of Thor, cautiously.

"Thor, I need you to listen to me. You are not the God of Hammers. You do not need a weapon to use. YOU are the weapon." Kendra told him. Thor looked at the shorter being in confusion. But his focus was on her. "Your father had Mjollnir made to help you direct your godly power, not replace it."

"I see you both are awake and well." Fury said as he walked into the room, his eye scanning over the tall blonde God.

"Nicholas, lovely to see- well hear you again." Kendra said with a smile and a tilt of the head. Fury chuckled at her wording, nodding. "This is Thor Odinson. God of Thunder- blah blah blah. He's on the list I gave you." She informed him before Thor could interrupt her. Fury looked back to the god.

"Nick Fury. But people call me Fury." Fury introduced, only for Kendra to clear her throat. "Except for Kendra, of course." Kendra grinned.

"I'm special, we all know this." Fury snorted at Kendra's remark. "Anyway, fill me in."

"Do I really need to? Like you don't already know?" Fury asked, but sighed moving on to tell her what she missed. "Barton found Natasha Romanoff shortly after you left. Also, Tony Stark is against this whole as he put it, Boy Band thing. But I believe you'll be able to help more. Right now, Ms. Pepper Potts has pushed Stark to help us with the Mutant school along with Coulson. Clint has been tasked with finding the twins and Romanoff is off retrieving Banner." He rattled off. Kendra nodded along with his explanation, acknowledging everything.

"And what of Captain Rogers and Bucky?" Kendra questioned as someone walked into the room.

"Why don't you ask us yourself, Fenny." Bucky spoke up as him and Steve Rogers stood in the door. Kendra snapped her head in their direction with a huge smile on her face before running over and hugging Bucky tightly. Steve watched as Bucky wrapped his arms around the brunette, hugging his best friend in the modern world. Anyone who could see though could see the slight jealousy in Steve's blue eyes. In the few years that Kendra was gone, he couldn't get her out of his mind. Her vibrant green eyes, though non-seeing, were beautiful and unforgettable. Bucky looked over at his blonde friend, a smirk on his face as he hugged Kendra tighter. Knowing his friend was jealous.

"Why are you two not on a mission??" Kendra asked as she released Bucky. She thought to hug Steve, but knew he was more shy, and they had only ever met once. She didn't know what he would be comfortable with yet.

"We are, our mission was to watch for you at your apartment." Steve spoke up, clearing his throat.

"Yeah- your apartment. Or should we call it a shack. What the hell is your deal with living in that place? It was probably more dangerous there than Hydra." Bucky snipped at her. Kendra sighed, shaking her head.

"It wasn't that bad. Thanks, by the way. Both of you. For fixing it up for me." Kendra smiled. Steve stared at her before smiling and shaking his head.

"Of course you would know. You know everything." He remarked causing her to shake her head in disagreement.

"I actually don't know everything, Captain Rogers. My future is completely blank to me." Kendra informed him. "But your future is looking brighter every day." She smiled at the Captain in knowing.

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