Chapter VII: Captain Rogers

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Ever since Kendra received the ability to see the future and past, she had always looked for Steve Rogers in them. His blue eyes which seemed to have the smallest little flecks of green around his irises. How pure his soul was, even before he became Captain America. How his nose had the tiniest little bump at the top of it. Not to mention how god like he was in facial hair.

Every time past vision she saw him when he would stand up to the bigger guys. Watching him jump on that grenade not even knowing that it was dummy.

But now seeing him with Peggy at the end of his future path that she could see- It broke her. She didn't want to help Fury with making Steve feel comfortable in the new world now. Kendra didn't want to be near him since she had a crush on him. But she knew he was going to be struggling soon. She saw it.

Right now she was sitting on the sofa, tapping her walking stick with her lips pursed. Deep in thought. She knew how to help, but she was acting childish. Holding a grudge against a man who didn't even know her. It probably wasn't the greatest thing she had done since having her powers.

"Son of a-" Kendra huffed, standing up and tapping her walking stick on the hardwood under her before dragging it into circle. A gold sparking circle appeared beneath her as she fell through seemingly like Mary Poppins jumping into the sidewalk art in the park.

The sounds of people chatting erupted into the air around her as she appeared in an alleyway. Right when she tuned in to the sound, focusing for one certain sound. Running. Panting. Fear. Adrenaline. She made her way towards it, her stick feeling her way through as she approached the confused looking Steve Rogers. As he stood there looking around, his ears picked up on the slight tapping as his blue eyes followed it. His breathing temporarily seemed to pause as his eyes caught sight of the brunette coming towards him. Her vibrant green eyes calm looking at she stare seemingly right at him, but yet not at all.

"Mr. Steve Rogers, how wonderful of you to finally arrive." Kendra spoke towards him with a smile. Steve tilted his head, slightly confused as to how she knew him. His eyes moving to the walking stick she held firmly causing his eyebrow to raise.

"How do you know me?" His voice floated to her ears causing her heart to flutter slightly. Steve noticed her eyes, which seemed to hold forests in them, seemed to look so beyond anything.

"How would I not know you? Steve Rogers. Captain America. America's Golden Boy. Or maybe just the kid from Brooklyn." Kendra spoke, reading off the names he had been known for. "I'm sorry- My name is Kendra Fennick." She said as she stuck her hand out for him. Steve jolted forward, reaching out for her hand. Kendra let out a breath as his hand touched hers, instantly warming her cold hand.

"I don't know how you seem to always be where I need you." Kendra let a smirk replace her smile as she turned her head slightly in the direction of Fury. Steve releasing her hand finally. "I see you two have met."

"You're late, Nicholas." Kendra teased as Steve looked between the two of them.

"Where am I?" Steve finally spoke up, confused. Kendra turned her head back towards him, smiling again.

"New York." Kendra told him in a sweet tone. A tone definitely different from how she spoke to Fury. "Welcome to 2004, Captain Rogers. You've kept me waiting quite a while." Kendra smiled as her head tilted slightly. Steve scratched the back of his head, eyes widening at the year but he was captivated by her smile.

"Well, I'm very sorry I kept you waiting, Ma'am." He apologized. Kendra felt the heat rush to her cheeks as she nodded.

"Shall we get inside and catch you up to the times?" Kendra asked as she turned to head into the Shield building. Steve blinked a few times before stepping next to her, grabbing her hand gently and weaving her arm with his.

"Allow me to escort you." He breathed out. Kendra took in a sharp breath at his chivalry. Nodding before she allowed him to lead her up the steps to where he had come from. Following behind Fury. Steve glanced down at Kendra. He didn't even know her, but yet- he felt he had seen her many times. Like she was there when he was in the ice. Watching over him. Waiting for him. Like his own personal Guardian Angel.

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