Chapter XXXII: Worthy of a Verdict

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"Add that to your crimes. Messing with the Equipment of the TVA is against the law." Renslayer spoke with a bit of a harsh tone.

"Is it? Do you have proof?" Kendra questioned with a tilt of her head. "Innocent until proven Guilty... isn't that how this works?"

"Proceed with your reasons for the Gods." Renslayer said- ignoring what Kendra was ranting on about. Kendra smiled towards her.

"Well I believe I did already. I helped a family stay a family. Brought on a new war to replace the old. Is that a crime as well, Judge Renslayer? Or is this just a new story to tell? I do love stories." Kendra spoke, her head moving to the side slightly. "And Mobius- Sylvie won't be easy to find- but I promise you. Everything will go a lot smoother with my help." She said causing Mobius to stand up.

"Not happening!" Renslayer demanded. "You will be pruned once you tell us what you did with our equipment." She ordered. But Kendra just looked in her direction with a fake confused and innocent look.

"I have no idea what you are talking about, Judge. I haven't messed with any of your equipment." Kendra declared before shrugging slightly. "Besides, how could I? I don't see my own future- that should be in my file. How could I mess with something I wouldn't see coming?" Mobius covered his mouth as he laughed quietly. Renslayer glaring at the blind woman in annoyance.

"You are worse that the Loki Variants." Kendra placed a hand on her chest, as if she just had a heartfelt moment.

"Oh my god, thank you. That was so sweet of you to say!" Kendra exclaimed happily. She turned towards Mobius. "So shall we? Maybe we can become Besties over some drama or something. That's always so much fun." Mobius stepped over to her, helping her down and guiding her out of the room.

"I DIDN'T RELEASE YOU!" Renslayer shouted at her before Kendra smiled.

"Oh but you did. No proof. No crime. I've been released into the custody of Mobius here. What is the law? 24hrs containment without proof until you find proof? So you best be working on that proof while I busy myself." Kendra told her over her shoulder before walking with Mobius.

"You really know how to aggravate the chief here." Mobius told her as he guided her down halls.

"Think I left a nice impact, don't you?" She smiled towards him. Mobius just chuckled, shaking his head at the woman. "So can you you tell me about the Frost Giant battle? I'm sure you have access to it." She quizzed.

"From what I've heard, the battle goes well."

"I wonder why the TVA is so against it then. If it all goes smoothly." She huffs as they enter a room.

"Well, you have been changing a lot of things and the Time Keepers won't be appreciating it." He tried to explain, but Kendra only shook her head.

"It's all a hoax. The Time Keepers are only a bunch of robots. Which makes me wonder how they got here- how did they pass the Robot check? Wouldn't they have melted from the inside out?"

"Wait. The time keepers are fake?" Mobius questioned, clearly thinking Kendra was losing her mind. But he had read her file before she showed up. She could see things- futures and pasts. She would know things, right? Or was it all causing her to really go insane? He knew that if he had to see the deaths of people or the wars to come, he would surely lose it.

"I'm not crazy, Mobius. There is only one man in charge of this little Cult of yours. He is trying to prevent a big debacle that he originally caused.  Which is kind of funny if you think about it. This whole TVA thing is like a giant bandage to hold the world together." Kendra went on in her explanation. Mobius snorted, nodding.

"It does sound like it. So what did he do to have to place a bandage on everything?"

"He found a way to travel between dimensions. Super smart guy. But the thing is a bunch of him got together and caused the dimensions to have a rip. I guess you could call it the Multiverse of Madness." Kendra laughed. "No way Home from that, right? But all jokes aside. Let's find Sylvie. I'm dying to meet her. Such a lovely woman." Mobius stared at Kendra in confusion before nodding, drinking his drink as they sat down to look over the files he had. He had a feeling that this woman wouldn't be here long. She was clever. Too clever. Not to mention the information she knew- she could escape easily even if she wasn't released on her own account.


"I'm going to stop you right there. I know where she is already. Look in places of concern. Like where the world is ending. Pompei? Alabama in 2050? Maybe we need to go to Asgard for Ragnorak? Did I stop that though? I mean- Odin was attaching Hela's banishment to Thor like I had advised. Thor doesn't seem to have a need to die. Loki though- man he dies a lot. Mostly fake death- but jeez!!" And that is how it went on. Kendra ranting on about the events she had stopped or planned on stopping as they searched through files of total destruction. Mobius listening to her speak, feeling like a child listening to the storys his grandparents would tell. If he had any at least.

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