Chapter XXXI: Convicted

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Kendra felt the neck cuff that sat around her throat. She felt the rusted metal that was cold and yet some how heated all the same. Like it was never suppose to be there.

"Forward. This will lead you into processing." Hunter B-15 spoke, as Kendra was led into an elevator. She only nodded slightly as she stepped forward, allowing the machine to strip her of her outfit- replacing it with some Variant prison outfit. Which if Kendra was being honest- was rather comfy.

"Hmm is this cotton?" She questioned allowed before the floor left her feet, dropping her to land in front of a man with what looked to be a metal detector.

"Please confirm to your knowledge that you are not a fully robotic being, were born an organic creature and do, in fact, possess what many cultures would call a soul." The man spoke. Kendra let out a short giggle.

"Do you get a lot of those? Maybe a red android? Where do they go? I've always wondered." Kendra said as she went ahead and stepped through the detector, almost seeing the flash of light that ran over her. The man clicked his tongue as he smiled slightly at the blind woman who was just questioning the system without fighting it. "Have a nice day, Robert." Kendra said before the floor dropped out again. Landing in front of a desk, a man with a ton of paper on the desk.

"Please sign here confirming that this is all you have said in your lifetime." The TVA agent spoke. Kendra let out a small giggle towards him.

"How do you suppose I do that?" She questioned as she heard another paper print off. "I am blind, Gregory. I do not suppose you could read the papers, could you?" The TVA agent stared at Kendra before sighing and reading through some of the papers, before Kendra just ended up signing her name. Thankfully, she was decent at signing things with a bit of guidance. Before long, Kendra stepped through a door to be led into a long velvet roped line.

"Welcome to the Time Variance Authority! I'm Miss Minutes, and it's my job to catch you up before you stand trial for your crimes! So let's not waste another minute. Settle in, sharpen your pencils and check this out!" A golden clock spoke on a TV screen hanging around the room.

"Please take a ticket." A man spoke as Kendra obliged, receiving a ticket happily. A variant of a random man was causing a slight scene as Kendra moved along and handed in her ticket.

"Fennick. Variant A2, Kendra Fennick." Renslayer spoke as she glanced up at Kendra. "You're only the second variant of your being."

"Do I get a prize for that?" Kendra asked with a smile. She was enjoying this way too much. "Maybe a trophy? Although they just gather a bunch of dust don't they? Do I get a shelf to place my award on? I mean- I know I won't be pruned- you need me. Well, Mobius does." She ranted off as the man in the back of the room snapped his gaze to look at the girl. Shocked. Renslayer glared at the woman. "Tell me, was my other Variant like me? Or was they a he? Ooo, I always wondered how I would be as a boy. Maybe a flirt? Although, I am already a bit of a flirt- but only for a certain super soldier-"

"Enough!" Renslayer demanded, clearly annoyed at the woman. "You will be pruned. You have been messing with the timeline from the start. Starting with the early recruitment of Clint Barton, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, and Natasha Romanoff." Renslayer read off the list of people, her eyes narrowed. "Also associating with Loki Laufeyson and Thor Odinson early. It seems you have been busy." She glanced up to Kendra, awaiting her verdict on the situation. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Well! I'm pretty sure none of what I have done has actually effected things for the bad. Clint was being abused and put in a circus act. Natalia Romanoff was needing out early, get her on the right path. Same as Bucky- he was needing to preserve his soul I suppose. Steve- well how would you feel being a popsicle for 70 years? I just helped him thaw out a bit earlier." Kendra listed off with a grin as she heard Mobius snort out a laughter. She knew she wasn't wrong, recruiting the Avengers early did no harm.

"And what have you got to say about the Gods?"

"Well- I just avoided one battle and brought forth another one. Which- do you have a live feed for? Are they doing good with the Frost Giants?" Kendra questioned, worried since she hasn't received any visions for a while.

"Your timeline will be reset. The Frost Giants will never come." Renslayer spoke up.

"Actually, Ma'am." Hunter B-15 spoke up as she stood up from her spot. "Reset has been held up on account for an error in our equipment." All eyes moved to stare at Kendra who was grinning like she was a child who just got told of a snow day.


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